News from Centre for Ocean Life

Phytoplankton abundance drives behavior mediated cascades in marine food webs
07 FEB

When more is less: phytoplankton abundance drives behavior mediated cascades in...

Our traditional view of the interactions between marine organisms is conceptualized as food webs where species interact with one another mainly via direct consumption...

05 FEB

Changes in community traits of North Sea fish not similar in time and space

The North Sea fish community has a long history of intense fishing and environmental change. Scientific bottom trawl surveys, which have been ongoing in the North Sea...

Acartia and dinoflagellat
28 JAN

Non-mechanistic traits and false trade-offs

Trade-offs are the cornerstone of trait-based ecology. They describe the advantages and costs of a certain trait, and thus determine when and where organisms with that...

Pelagic copepods
21 JAN

New study identifies rapid developmental shifts in the thermal sensitivity of...

Ectotherms often grow to a smaller adult body size when reared in warmer conditions. Typically, this is because development rate increases faster than growth rate with...

Big fish mamas
10 JAN

Limited impact of big fish mothers for population replenishment

A new paper from the Center for Ocean Life shows that the implications of a recent Science paper by Barneche et al. (Science 360(6389): 642) are much less dramatic than...

10 JAN

Why are some flagellates living in a ribbon case?

Choanoflagellates are filter feeders and an important component of microbial foodwebs. Because they are theancestors of multicellular life, they have been intensely studied...

Fish behavior
04 JAN

Predator prey games in multiple habitats reveal mixed strategies in diel vertical...

Can we apply economic principles to fish ecology and diel vertical migration? It appears that the way fish and zooplankton behave in the presence of other individuals can...

Christmas version of Centre for Ocean Life logo
20 DEC

Happy Christmas and one final achievement for the year

After a wonderful annual retreat and Christmas party, it is now time to wish everyone a lovely Christmas and for most, safe travels to their home country.

18 DEC

The global biogeography of zooplankton foraging traits

Do zooplankton traits matter? Scaling up trade-offs to the global scale. Taxa-transcending traits and trade-offs have been shown through lab experiments and literature...

Group picture
14 DEC

7th Annual Meeting of the Centre for Ocean Life

Centre's annual retreat took place in Hohenwarte 10-13 December to summarize the scientific success of 2018 and discuss future directions.
3 MAY 2024