

  1. Huang Y, Ryderheim F, Kiørboe T (2024) Revisiting the burglar-alarm hypothesis: a behavioral cascade mediated by dinoflagellate bioluminescence. Functional Ecology 38 (2), 306-314.
  2. Maar K, Shavit U, Andersen A, Kiørboe T (2024) The fluid dynamics of barnacle feeding. J Exp Biol
  3. Ottman D, Andersen KH, van Denderen PD (2024): Biomass and trait biogeography of cephalopods on the European and North American continental shelves.Global Ecology and Biogrography 33 (3), 439-449.
  4. Pujolar JM (2024) editor, special issue reprint: Biology and Ecology of Eels.


  1. Andersen KH, Visser AW (2023) From cell size and first principles to structure and function of unicellular plankton communities. Progress in Oceanography 213, 102995.
  2. Asadzadeh SS, Walther JJ, Kiørboe T (2023) Conflicting roles of flagella in planktonic protists: Propulsion, resource acquisition, and stealth. PRX Life 1: 013002.
  3. Brandl SJ, Lefcheck JS, Bates AE, Rasher DB, Norin T (2023) Can metabolic traits explain animal community assembly and functioning? Biological Reviews 98, 1-18.
  4. Flensborg LC, Maureaud AA, Bravo DN, Lindegren M (2023) An indicator-based approach for assessing marine ecosystem resilience. ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 (5), 1487-1499.
  5. Frølich EF (2023) Copuling population dynamics and diel migration patterns. Theoretical Population Biology 151, 19-27.
  6. Frølich EF, Thygesen UH, Andersen KH (2023) Scaling from optimal behavior to population dynamics and ecosystem function. Ecological Complexity (52) 101027.
  7. Hansen HH, Andersen KH, Bergman E (2023) Projecting fish community responses to dam removal – data-limited modeling.
  8. Hiddink JG, Valanko S, Delargy AJ, van Denderen PD (2023) Setting thresholds for good ecosystem state in marine seabed systems and beyond. ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 (4), 698-709.
  9. Jaspers C, Hopcroft RR, Kiørboe T, Lombard F, López-Urrutia A, Everett JD, Richardson AD (2023) Gelatinous larvacean zooplankton can enhance trophic transfer and carbon sequestration. Trends Ecol Evol 38 (10)
  10. Jensen KR, Andersen P, Andersen NR, Bruhn A, Buur H, Carl H, Jakobsen H, Jaspers C, Lundgreen K, Nielsen R, Strandberg B, Stæhr PAU (2023) Reviewing Introduction Histories, Pathways, Invasiveness, and Impact of Non-Indigenous Species in Danish Marine Waters. Diversity 15, 434.
  11. Kiørboe T (2023) Predation in a microbial world: mechanisms and trade-offs of flagellate foraging. Ann Rev Mar Sci 16:
  12. Kragesteen TJ, Johannesen TT, Sandvik A, Andersen KH, Johnsen IA (2023) Salmon lice dispersal and population model for management strategy evaluation. Aquaculture 575, 739759.
  13. Metcalfe NB, Bellman J, Bize P, Blier PU, Crespel A, Dawson NJ, Dunn RE, Halsey LG, Hood WR, Hopkins M, Killen SS, McLennan D, Nadler LE, Nati JJH, Noakes MJ, Norin T, Ozanne SE, Peaker M, Pettersen AK, Przybylska-Piech A, Rathery A, Récapet C, Rodríquez E, Salin K, Stier A, Thoral E, Westerterp KR, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Wojciechowski MS, Monaghan P (2023) Solving the conundrum of intra-specific variation in metabolic rate: A multidisciplinary conceptual and methodological toolkit. BioEssays 45, 2300026.
  14. Millette NC, Gast RJ, Luo JY, Moeller HV, Stamieszkin K, Andersen KH, Brownlee EF, Cohen NR, Duhamel S, Dutkiewicz S, Glibert PM, Johnson MD, Leles SG, Maloney AE, Mcmanus GB, Poulton N, Princiotta SD, Sanders RW, Wilken S (2023) Mixoplankton and mixotrophy: future research priorities. Journal of Plankton Research 45:4, 576-596.
  15. Montanyès M, Weigel B, Lindegren M (2023) Community assembly processes and drivers shaping marine fish community structure in the North Sea. Ecography, e06642.
  16. Pinti J, DeVries T, Norin T, Serra-Pompei C, Proud R, Siegel DA, Kiørboe T, Petrik CM, Andersen KH, Brierley AS, Visser AW (2023) Model estimates of metazoans’ contributions to the biological carbon pump. Biogeosciences, 20: 997–1009.
  17. Piontek R, Jaspers C, Boersma M, Arkhipkin A (2023). Temporal and spatial variability in the mesozooplankton community off the Falkland Islands (Southwest Atlantic). Regional Studies in Marine Science 66, 103147.
  18. Pujolar JM, Breitburg D, Lee J, Decker MB, Jaspers C (2023) Hybridization and adaptive introgression in a marine invasive species in native habitats. iScience 26 (12):108430.
  19. Reeve AH, Gower G, Pujolar JM, Smith BT,Petersen B, Olsson U, Haryoko T, Koane B, Maiah G, Blom MPK, Ericson PGP, Irestedt M, Racimo F, Jønsson KA (2023) Population genomics of the island thrush elucidates one of earth’s archipelagic radiations. Evolution Letters, 7 (1), 24-36.
  20. Reeve AH, Kennedy JD, Pujolar JM, Petersen B, Blom MPK, Alstrom P, Haryoko T, Ericson PGP, Irestedt M, Nylander JAA, Jønsson KA (2023) The formation of the Indo-Pacific montane avifauna. Nature Communications 14, 8215.
  21. Ryderheim F, Thygesen UH, Kiørboe T (2023) Short handling times allow for active prey selection in suspension feeding copepods. Limnol Oceanogr. 68, 891-901.
  22. Smith CJ, Papadopoulou NK, Maina I, Kavadas S, van Denderen PD, Katsiaras N, Reizopoulou S, Karakassis I, Tselepides A, Tsikopoulou I (2023) Relating benthic sensitivity and status to spatial distribution and intensity of trawling in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ecological Indicators 150, 13 p, 110286.
  23. Soto-Angel JJ, Jaspers C, Hosia A, Majaneva S, Martell L, Burkhardt P (2023) Are we there yet to eliminate the terms larva, metamorphosis, and dissogeny from the ctenophore literature? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2218317120.
  24. Suzuki S, Miano F, Asadzadeh SS, Simpson AGB, Kiørboe T (2023) Foraging mechanisms in excavate flagellates shed new light on the functional ecology of early eukaryotes. bioRxiv preprint,
  25. Suzuki-Tellier S, Kiørboe T, Simpson AGB (2023) The function of the feeding groove of ‘typical excavate’ flagellates. J Euk Microbiol 00, e13016.
  26. Van Denderen PD, Maureaud A, Andersen KH, Gaichas S, Lindegren M, Petrik CM, Stock CA, Collie J (2023) Demersal fish biomass declines with temperature across productive shelf seas. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32(10) 1846-1857.
  27. Vastenhoud BMJ, Bastardie F, Andersen KH, Speirs DC, Nielsen JR (2023) Economic viability of a large vessel mesopelagic fishery under ecological uncertainty. Front. Mar. Sci 10-2023.
  28. Vivó-Pons A, Blomqvist M, Törnroos A, Lindegren M (2023) A trait-based approach to assess niche overlap and functional distinctiveness between non-indigenous and native species. Ecology Letters 26, 1911-1925.
  29. Vivó-Pons A, Wallin-Kihlberg I, Olsson J, Ljungberg P, Behrens J, Lindegren M (2023) The devil is in the details: exploring how functionally distinct round goby is among native fish in the Baltic Sea. NeoBiota 89: 161-186.


  1. Asadzadeh SS, Walther JH, Andersen A, Kiørboe T (2022) Hydrodynamic interactions are key in thrust-generation of hairy flagella, Physical Review Fluids, 7, 073101,
  2. Blewett TA, Binning SA, Weinrauch AM, Ivy CM, Rossi GS, Borowiec BG, Lau G, Overduin S, Aragao I, Norin T (2022) Physiological and behavioural strategies of aquatic animals living in fluctuating environments. Journal of Experimental Biology 225, jeb242503,
  3. Brandl SJ, Quigley CN, Casey JM, Mercière A, Schiettekatte NMD, Norin T, Parravicini V, Cotê IM (2022) Metabolic rates mirror morphological and behavioral differences in two sand-dwelling coral reef gobies. Marine Ecology Progress Series 684, 79-90,
  4. Carlson DF, Vivó-Pons A, Treier UA, Mätzler E, Meire L, Sejr M, Krause-Jensen D (2023) Mapping intertidal macrophytes in fjords in Southwest Greenland using Sentinel-2 imagery. Science of the Total Environment, 865, 161213.
  5. Cortese D, Crespel A, Mills SC, Norin T, Killen SS, Beldade R (2022) Adaptive effects of parental and developmental environments on offspring survival, growth and phenotype. Funct. Ecol. 36, 2983-2994,
  6. Denéchère R, van Denderen PD, Andersen KH (2022). Deriving population scaling rules from individual-level metabolism and life history traits. American Naturalist 199(4) 564-575,
  7. Eckford-Soper LK, Andersen KH, Hansen TF, Canfield DE (2022) A case for an active eukaryotic marine biosphere during the Proterozoic Era. PNAS 119 (41) e2122042119,
  8. Ehrlich E, Thygesen UH, Kiørboe T (2022) Evolution of toxins as a public good in phytoplankton. Proc Roy Soc B 289 20220393.
  9. Frølich EF, Thygesen UH (2022) Population games with instantaneous behavior and the Rosenzweig–MacArthur model. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 85, 31 p. 52,
  10. Frølich EF, Thygesen UH (2022) Solving multispecies population games in continuous space and time. Theoretical Population Biology 146, 36-45,
  11. Frølich EF, Thygesen UH, Andersen KH (2022) Scaling from optimal behavior to population dynamics and ecosystem function. Ecological Complexity, 101027,
  12. Grønning J, Kiørboe T (2022) Grazer-induced aggregation in diatoms. Limnol Oceanogr Lett,
  13. Harrison JF, Biewener A, Bernhardt JR, Burger JR, Brown JH, Coto ZN, Duell ME, Lynch M, Moffett ER, Norin T, Pettersen AK, Smith FA, Somjee U, Traniello JFA, Williams TM (2022) White paper: an integrated perspective on the causes of hypometric metabolic scaling in animals. Integrative and Comparative Biology 62, 1395-1418,
  14. Hinrichsen H-H, Piatkowski U, Jaspers C (2022) Sightings of extraordinary marine species in the SW Baltic Sea linked to saline water inflows. Journal of Sea Research 181, 102175,
  15. Køhler LG, Huwer B, Pujolar JM, Werner M, Wikström K, Wernbo A, Ovegård M, Jaspers C (2022) Gelatinous macrozooplankton diversity and distribution dataset for the North Sea and Skagerrak/Kattegat during January-February 2021. Data in Brief, 44: 108493,
  16. Leys SP, Matveev E, Suarez PA, Kahn AS, Asadzadeh SS, Kiørboe T, Larsen PS, Walther JH, Yahel G (2022) Models of flow through sponges must consider the sponge tissue. Nature 603: E23-E25.
  17. Liu S, Tengstedt ANB, Jacobsen LMW, Pujolar JM, Jonsson B, Lobon-Cervià J, Bernatchez L, Hansen MM (2022) Genome-wide methylation in the panmictic European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Molecular Ecology, 31: 4286-4306,
  18. Lüskow F, Christiansen B, Chi X, Silva P, Neitzel P, Brooks ME, Jaspers C (2022) Distribution and biomass of gelatinous zooplankton in relation to an oxygen minimum zone and a shallow seamount in the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Marine Environmental Research 175, 105566,
  19. Norin T (2022) Growth and mortality as causes of variation in metabolic scaling among taxa and taxonomic levels. Integrative and Comparative Biology 62, 1448-1459,
  20. Olesen AJ, Ryderheim F, Krock B, Lundholm N, Kiørboe T (2022) Costs and benefits of predator-induced defense in a toxic diatom. Proc Roy Soc B
  21. Orenstein EC, Kiørboe T, Irisson J-O and more (2022) Machine learning techniques to characterize functional traits of plankton from image data. Limnol Oceanogr  67: 1647–1669,
  22. Pinti JK, Visser AW, Serra-Pompei C, Andersen KH, Ohman MD, Kiørboe T (2022) Fear and loathing in the pelagic: how the seascape of fear impacts the biological carbon pump. Limnol Oceanogr 67: 1238–1256,
  23. Pujolar JM, Bertolini F, Jacobsen MW (2022) Footprints of natural selection in North Atlantic eels: a review. Fishes, 7: 311.
  24. Pujolar JM, Jacobsen MW, Bertolini F (2022) Comparative genomics and signatures of selection in North Atlantic eels. Marine Genomics, 62: 100933,
  25. Pujolar JM, Limborg MT, Ehrlich M, Jaspers C (2022) High throughput SNP chip as cost effective new monitoring tool for assessing invasion dynamics in the comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi. Frontiers in Marine Science,
  26. Rigby K, Kinnby A, Grønning J, Ryderheim F, Cervin G, Berdan E, Selander E (2022). Species specific responses to grazing and acidification in phytoplankton – winners and losers in a changing world. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 875858,
  27. Roche DG, Raby GD, Norin T, Ern R, Scheuffele H, Skeeles M, Morgan R, Andreassen AH, Clements J, Louissaint S, Jutfelt F, Clark TD, Binning SA (2022) Paths towards greater consensus building in experimental biology. Journal of Experimental Biology 225, jeb243559,
  28. Rode M, Bioue A, Miano F, Bruus H, Kiørboe T, Andersen A (2022) Acoustic Tethering of Microorganisms, Journal of Experimental Biology 225, jeb244089, 7 pages.
  29. Rode M, Kiørboe T, Andersen A. (2022) Feeding flow and membranelle filtration in ciliates. Physical Review Fluids 7, 023102, 18 pages (2022).
  30. Ryderheim F, Grønning J, Kiørboe T (2022) Thicker shells reduce copepod grazing on diatoms. Limnol Oceanogr Lett.
  31. Ryderheim F, Hansen PJ, Kiørboe T (2022) Predator field and colony morphology determine the defensive benefit of colony formation in marine phytoplankton. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 829419,
  32. Schiettekatte NMD, Conte F, French B, Brandl SJ, Fulton CJ, Mercière A, Norin T, Villéger S, Parravicini V (2022) Combining stereo-video monitoring and physiological trials to estimate reef fish metabolic demands in the wild. Ecology and Evolution 12, e9084.
  33. Serra-Pompei C, Ward BA, Pinti J, Visser AW, Kiørboe T, Andersen KH (2022) Linking plankton size spectra and community composition to carbon export and its efficiency. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36, e2021GB007275.
  34. Suzuki-Tellier S, Andersen A, Kiørboe T (2022) Mechanisms and fluid dynamics of foraging in heterotrophic nanoflagellates, Limnology and Oceanography 67, 1287-1298.
  35. Thygesen UH, Mazuryn M (2022) Ideal free flows of optimal foragers: Vertical migrations in the ocean. Theor Ecol 15, 213–224,
  36. van Denderen PD, Törnroos A, Sciberras M, Hinz H, Friedland R, Lasota R, Mangano MC, Robertson C, Valanko S, Hiddink JG (2022) Effects of bottom trawling and hypoxia on benthic invertebrate communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 694, 13-27
  37. Zempléni A, Hansen BW, Kiørboe T, Ryderheim F (2022) Resolving the paradox of the ambush feeding cyclopoid copepod Apocyclops royi being microphageous. J.Plankton Res,


  1. Andersen NG, Neuenfeldt S, Bogstad B, Andersen KH, Beyer JE (2021) Nutritional status determines apparent assimilative capacity and functional response of marine predatory fish. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 78(10) 3615–3624,
  2. Chakraborty S, Andersen KH, Visser AW, Inomura K, Follows MJ, Riemann L (2021) Quantifying nitrogen fixation by heterotrophic bacteria in sinking marine particles. Nature Communications 12: 4085,
  3. Denéchère, R., Denderen, P. D. V., & Andersen, K. H. (2021). Deriving population scaling rules from individual-level metabolism and life history traits. The American Naturalist,
  4. Henriksen O, Rindorf A, Brooks ME, Lindegren M, van Deurs M (2021) Temperature and body size affect recruitment and survival of sandeel across the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science,
  5. Jacobsen MW, Jensen NW, Nygaard R, Præbel K, Jónson B, Nielsen NH, Pujolar JM, Fraser DJ, Bernatchez L, Hansen MM (2021) A melting pot in the Arctic: Analysis of mitogenome variation in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) reveals a 1000‐km contact zone between highly divergent lineages. Ecology of Freshwater Fish,
  6. Jaspers C, Bezio N, Hinrichsen H-H (2021) Diversity and physiological tolerance of native and invasive jellyfish/ctenophores along the extreme salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea. Diversity 13(2) 57,
  7. Jaspers C, Ehrlich M, Pujolar JM, Kunzel S, Bayer T, Limborg MT, Lombard F, Browne WE, Stefanova K, Reusch TBH (2021) Invasion genomics uncover contrasting scenarios of genetic diversity in a widespread marine invader. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 118: e2116211118,
  8. Kiørboe T, Thomas M (2021) Reply to Letten and Yamamichi: A rescue at the cost of falsifiability. PNAS 118 (5) e2025720118;
  9. Kragesteen T, Simonsen K, Visser AW, Andersen KH (2021) Estimation of external infection pressure and salmon-louse population growth rate in Faroese salmon farms. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13: 21-32.
  10. Mazor T, Pitcher R, Rochester W, Kaiser M, Hiddink J, Jennings S, Amoroso R, McConnaughey R, Rijnsdorp AD, Parma A, Suuronen P, Collie J, Sciberras M, Atkinson L, Durholtz D, Ellis J, Bolam S, Schratzberger M, Couce E, Eggleton J, Garcia C, Kainge P, Paulus S, Kathena J, Gogina M, van Denderen PD, Keller A, Horness B, Hilborn R (2021) Trawl fishing impacts on the status of seabed fauna in diverse regions of the globe, Fish and Fisheries, 22: 72-86,
  11. Moran NP, Sánchez‐Tójar A, Schielzeth H, Reinhold K (2020) Poor nutritional condition promotes high‐risk behaviours: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Biological Reviews, 96(1), 269-288.
  12. Nielsen LT, Kiørboe T (2021) Foraging trade-offs, flagellar arrangements, and flow architecture in planktonic protists. PNAS 118 (3) e2009930118,
  13. Pepper RE, Riley EE, Baron M, Hurot T, Nielsen LT, Koehl MAR, Kiørboe T, Andersen A (2021) The effect of external flow on the feeding currents of sessile microorganisms, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18,
  14. Pinti J, Andersen KH, Visser AW (2021) Co-adaptive behavior of interacting populations in a habitat selection game significantly impacts ecosystem functions. Journal of Theoretical Biology,
  15. Pinti J, DeVries T, Norin T, Serra-Pompei C, Proud R, Siegel DA, Kiørboe T, Petrik CM, Andersen KH, Brierley AS, Visser AW (2021) Metazoans, migrations, and the ocean’s biological carbon pump. BioRxiv,
  16. Pujolar JM, Blom MPK, Reeve AJ, Kennedy JD, Marki PZ, Korneliussen TS, Freeman BG, Sam K, Linck E, Haryoko T, Iova B, Koane B, Maiah G, Paul L, Irestedt M, Jønsson KA (2021) The formation of avian montane diversity across barriers and along elevational gradients. Nature Communications 13: 268,
  17. Ryderheim F, Selander E, Kiørboe T (2021) Predator-induced defence in a dinoflagellate generates benefits without direct costs. The ISME Journal,
  18. Serra-Pompei C, Ward BA, Pinti J, Visser AW, Kiørboe T, Andersen KH (2021) Zooplankton trophic dynamics drive carbon export efficiency. BioRxiv,
  19. Soudijn FH, van Denderen PD, Heino M, Dieckmann U, de Roos AM (2021) Harvesting forage fish can prevent fishing-induced population collapses of large piscivorous fish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118: e1917079118,
  20. van Denderen PD, Petrik CM, Stock CA, Andersen KH (2021) Emergent global biogeography of marine fish food webs. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 1822-1834,
  21. Xu N, Delius GW, Zhang L, Thygesen UH, Andersen KH (2021): Spatial drivers of instability in marine size-spectrum ecosystems. Journal of Theoretical Biology 517: 110631,


  1. Andersen A, Kiørboe T (2020) The effect of tethering on the clearance rate of suspension-feeding plankton, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 30101-30103.
  2. Andersen KH (2020) Size-based theory for fisheries advice. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(7-8) 2445-2455, Issue section: Food For Thought,
  3. Arias A, Saiz E, Tiselius P, Calbet A (2020) Trophic interactions and diel feeding rhythms of microzooplankton in a productive Swedish Fjord. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77:
  4. Asadzadeh SS, Kiørboe T, Larsen PS, Leys SP, Yahel G, Walther JH (2020) Hydrodynamics of sponge pumps and evolution of the sponge body plan. Elife. 2020 Nov 30;9:e61012,
  5. Brander K, Kiørboe T (2020) Decreasing phytoplankton size adversely affects ocean food chains. Global Change Biology, 26: 5356–5357,
  6. Cadier M, Hansen AN, Andersen KH, Visser AW (2020) Competition between vacuolated and mixotrophic unicellular plankton. Journal of Plankton Research 42(4): 425-439,
  7. Chakraborty S, Cadier M, Visser A, Bruggeman J, Andersen KH (2020). Latitudinal variation in plankton traits and ecosystem function. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34(8),
  8. Färber L, van Gemert R, Langangen Ø, Durant JM, Andersen KH (2020) Population variability under stressors is dependent on body mass growth and asymptotic body size. Royal Society Open Science 7(2),
  9. Gompper G, Winkler RG, Speck T, Solon A, Nardini C, Peruani F, Löwen H, Golestanian R, Kaupp UB, Alvarez L, Kiørboe T, Lauga E, Poon WCK, DeSimone A, Muiños-Landin S, Fischer A, Söker NA, Cichos F, Kapral R, Gaspard P, Ripoll M, Sagues F, Doostmohammadi A, Yeomans JM, Aranson IS, Bechinger C, Stark H, Hemelrijk CK,  Nedelec FJ, Sarkar T, Aryaksama T, Lacroix M, Duclos G, Yashunsky V, Silberzan P, Arroyo M, Kale S (2020) The 2020 Motile Active Matter Roadmap. J Physics: Condensed Matter. 32: 193001.
  10. Grønning J, Kiørboe T (2020) Diatom defence: Grazer induction and cost of shell-thickening. Funct Ecol 34(9): 1790-1801,
  11. He J, Lange J, Marinos G, Bathia J, Harris D, Soluch R, Vaibhvi V, Deines P, Hassani MA, Wagner K-S, Zapien-Campos R, Jaspers C, Sommer F (2020) Advancing our functional understanding of host-microbiota interactions: A need for new types of studies. BioEssays 42(2): 1900211, 1-5,
  12. Ho P-C, Chang C-W, Shiah F-K, Wang P-L, Hsieh C-H, Andersen KH (2020) Body size, light intensity and nutrient supply determine plankton stoichiometry in mixotrophic plankton food webs. American Naturalist 195(4) E100-E110,
  13. Horwitz R, Norin T, Watson S-A, Pistevos JCA, Beldade R, Hacquart S, Gattuso J-P, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Vidal-Dupiol J, Killen SS, Mills SC (2020) Near-future ocean warming and acidification alter foraging behaviour, locomotion, and metabolic rate in a circumtropical keystone marine mollusc. Scientific Reports 15, 5461.
  14. Jaspers C, Weiland-Bräuer N, Rühlemann MC, Baines JF, Schmitz RA, Reusch TBH (2020) Differences in the microbiota of native and non-indigenous gelatinous zooplankton organisms in a low saline environment. Science of the Total Environment 734, 139471,
  15. Kiørboe T (2020) Havets økologi på formel. Carlsbergfondets Årsskrift 2020: 16-19. Aarsskrift/2020/Thomas-Kioerboe_Havets-oekologi-paa-formel
  16. Kiørboe T, Grønning J (2020) Et vandigt våbenkapløb. Aktuel Naturvidenskab 5: 20-22. Aktuelnaturvidenskab-Et-vandigt-vaabenkaploeb
  17. Kiørboe T, Thomas M (2020) Heterotrophic eukaryotes show a slow-fast continuum, not a gleaner-exploiter trade-off. PNAS 117(40) 24893-24899,
  18. Lindegren M, Rindorf A, Norin T, Johns D, van Deurs M (2020) Climate- and density-dependent regulation of fish growth throughout ontogeny: North Sea sprat as a case study. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77, 3138-3152,
  19. Maureaud A, Andersen KH, Zhang L, Lindegren M (2020) Trait-based food web model reveals the underlying mechanisms of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Journal of Animal Ecology 89(6): 1497-1510,
  20. Maureaud A, Frelat R, Pécuchet L, Shackell N, Mérigot B, Pinsky ML, Amador K, Anderson SC, Arkhipkin A, Auber A (and many more) (2020) Are we ready to track climate‐driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries? ‐ A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data. Global Change Biology 27(2),
  21. Neuenfeldt S, Bartolino V, Orio A, Andersen KH, Andersen NG, Niiranen S, Bergström U, Ustups D, Kulatska N, Casini M (2020) Feeding and growth of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the eastern Baltic Sea under environmental change. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(2) 624-632.
  22. Nielsen JH, Pedersen CV, Kiørboe T, Nikolajsen T, Brydegaard M, Rodrigo PJ (2020) Dual-band fluorosensor for discriminating non-eating from algae-eating zooplankton in aquatic environments. OSA Continuum: 3(7): 1730-1738,
  23. Norin T, Speers-Roesch B (2020) Chapter 10 – Metabolism. In: The Physiology of Fishes, 5th ed. (Currie S & Evans DE, Eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA.
  24. Olivares M, Tiselius P, Calbet A, Saiz E (2020) Non-lethal effects of the predator Meganyctiphanes norvegica and influence of seasonal photoperiod and food availability on the diel feeding behaviour of the copepod Centropages typicus. Journal of Plankton Research 42: 742-751.
  25. Petersen JK, Behrens J, van Deurs M, Dinesen G, Jaspers C, Møller LF, Plet-Hansen KS (2020) Contribution to press factor report for the Danish Ministry (Miljøstyrelsen) concerning the impact of non-indigenous species on the Limfjorden ecosystem, with expert judgement for impact assessment of the invasive comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi. Title: Andre presfaktorer end næringsstoffer og klimaforandringer – vurdering af de invasive arter amerikansk ribbegople og sortmundet kutling. Rapport til Miljøstyrelsen. DTU-Aqua rapport 365-2020: 1-35, ISBN 978-87-7481-288-3,
  26. Petrik CM, Stock CA, Andersen KH, van Denderen PD, Watson JR (2020) Large pelagic fish are most sensitive to climate change despite pelagification of ocean food webs. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 588482,
  27. Pinti J, Celani A, Thygesen UH, Mariani P (2020) Optimal navigation and behavioural traits in oceanic migrations. Theoretical Ecology 13(4): 583-593.
  28. Pomati F, Shurin JB, Andersen KH, Tellenbach C, Barton AD (2020): Interacting temperature, nutrients and zooplankton grazing control phytoplankton size-abundance relationships in eight Swiss lakes. Frontiers in Microbiology,
  29. du Pontavice H, Gascuel D, Reygondeau G, Maureaud A, Cheung W (2020) Climate change undermines the global functioning of marine food webs. Global Change Biology 26(3),
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  34. Serra-Pompei C, Soudijn F, Visser AW, Kiørboe T, Andersen KH (2020) A general size- and trait-based model of plankton communities. Progress in Oceanography (189) 102473,
  35. Svetlichny L, Larsen PS, Kiørboe T (2020) Kinematic and dynamic scaling of copepod swimming. Fluids 5: 68;
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  37. van Denderen PD, Gislason H, Heuvel Jvd, Andersen KH (2020) Global analysis of fish growth rates shows weaker responses to temperature than metabolic predictions. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(12) 2203-2213,
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  39. Visser AW, Brun P, Chakraborty S, Dencker TS, van Denderen PD, van Gemert R, van Someren Gréve H, Heilmann I, Holm MW, Jónasdóttir SH, Kenitz KM, Kiørboe T, Lindegren M, Mariani P, Nielsen LT, Pancic M, Payne M, Pécuchet L, Schnedler-Meyer NA, Thygesen UH, Törnroos A, Andersen KH (2020) Seasonal strategies in the world’s oceans. Progress in Oceanography 189: 102466,
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  2. Andersen KH (2019): Monograph: Fish Ecology, Evolution, and Exploitation - a new theoretical synthesis. Princeton University Press.
  3. Andersen KH, Jacobsen NS, van Denderen PD (2019): Limited impact of big fish mothers for population replenishment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
  4. Asadzadeh SS, Nielsen LT, Andersen A, Dölger J, Kiørboe T, Larsen PS, Walther JH (2019) Hydrodynamic functionality of the lorica in choanoflagellates. J Roy Soc Interface 16: 20180478.
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  8. Beukhof E, Frelat R, Pecuchet L, Maureaud A, Dencker TS, Sólmundsson J, Punzón A, Primicerio R, Hidalgo M, Möllmann C, Lindegren M (2019) Marine fish traits follow fast-slow continuum across oceans. Sci Rep 9 17878
  9. Brun P, Stamieszkin K, Visser AW, Licandro P, Payne MR, Kiørboe T (2019) Climate change has altered zooplankton-fuelled carbon export in the North Atlantic. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3: 416-423,
  10. Cadier M, Andersen KH, Visser AW, Kiørboe T (2019) Competition-defense trade-off increases the diversity of microbial plankton communities and dampens trophic cascades. Oikos
  11. Chakraborty S, Pančić M, Andersen KH, Kiørboe T (2019) The cost of toxin production in phytoplankton: the case of PST producing dinoflagellates: The ISME Journal 13: 64-75
  12. Dölger J, Kiørboe T, Andersen A (2019) Dense Dwarfs versus Gelatinous Giants: The Trade-Offs and Physiological Limits Determining the Body Plan of Planktonic Filter Feeders. American Naturalist 194, (2): E30-E40.
  13. Fontana S, Thomas MK, Reyes M, Pomati F (2019) Light limitation increases multidimensional trait evenness in phytoplankton populations. The ISME Journal,
  14. Hansen AN, Visser AW (2019) The seasonal succession of optimal diatom traits. Limnology and Oceanography,
  15. Henseler C, Nordström MC, Törnroos A, Snickars M, Pecuchet L, Lindegren M, Bonsdorff E (2019) Coastal habitats and their importance for the diversity of benthic communities: A species- and trait-based approach, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 226,
  16. Ho Pei-Chi, Chang Chun-Wei, Shiah Fuh-Kwo, Wang Pei-Ling, Hsieh Chih-hao, Andersen KH (2019) Body size, light intensity, and nutrient supply determine plankton stoichiometry in mixotrophic plankton food webs. The American Naturalist,
  17. Holm MW, Rodriguez-Torres R, Hansen BW, Almeda R (2019) Influence of behavioral plasticity and foraging strategy on starvation tolerance of planktonic copepods. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 511: 19-27.
  18. Horne, C, Hirst A, Almeda R, Atkinson D, Kiørboe T (2019) Rapid shifts in the thermal sensitivity of growth but not development rate causes temperature-size response variability during ontogeny in arthropods. Oikos,
  19. Jutfelt F, Roche DG, Clark TD, Norin T, Binning SA, Speers-Roesch B, Amcoff M, Morgan R, Andreassen AH, Sundin J (2019) Brain cooling marginally increases acute upper thermal tolerance in Atlantic cod. Journal of Experimental Biology 222, jeb208249,
  20. Kiørboe T, Andersen KH (2019) Nutrient affinity, half saturation constants, and the cost of toxin production in dinoflagellates. Ecol Lett
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  22. Kristensen ML, Pedersen MW, Thygesen UH, Del Villar-Guerra D, Baktoft H, Aarestrup K (2019) Migration routes and habitat use of a highly adaptable salmonid (sea trout, Salmo trutta) in a complex marine area. Animal Biotelemetry 7, pages: 23.
  23. Lindegren M, Thomas MK, Jónasdóttir SH, Nielsen TG, Munk P (2019) Environmental niche separation promotes coexistence among ecologically similar zooplankton species – North Sea copepods as a case study, Limnology and Oceanography.
  24. Mariani P, Quincoces I, Haugholt KH, Chardard Y, Visser AW, Yates C, Piccinno G, Reali G, Risholm P, Thielemann JT (2019) Range-Gated Imaging System for Underwater Monitoring in Ocean Environment. Sustainability 11, 1: 1-13. 162;
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  26. McLean M, Mouillot D, Lindegren M, Villeger S, Engelhard G, Murgier J, Auber A (2019) Fish communities diverge in species but converge in traits over three decades of warming. Global Change Biology,
  27. Neubauer P, Andersen KH (2019) Thermal performance of fish is explained by an interplay between physiology, behaviour, and ecology. Conservation Physiology 7 (1)
  28. Nielsen JH, Pedersen C, Kiørboe T, Nikolajsen M, Brydegaard M, Rodrigo PJ (2019) Investigation of autofluorescence in zooplankton for use in classification of larval salmon lice. Applied optics 286:7022-7027.  
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  31. Pančić M, Torres RR, Almeda R, Kiørboe T (2019) Silicified cell walls as a defensive trait in diatoms. Proc. R. Soc. B 286: 20190184.
  32. Pecuchet L, Lindegren M, Kortsch S, Całkiewicz J, Jurgensone I, Margonski P, Otto S, Putnis I, Strāķe S, Nordström MC (2019) Spatio-temporal dynamics of multi-trophic communities reveal ecosystem-wide functional reorganization. Ecography,
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  34. Pinti J, Kiørboe T, Thygesen U, Visser A (2019) Trophic interactions drive the emergence of diel vertical migration patterns: a game-theoretic model of copepod communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,
  35. Prowe AEF, Visser AW, Andersen KH, Chiba S, Kiørboe T (2019) Biogeography of zooplankton feeding strategy. Limnol Oceanogr.
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  37. Serra-Pompei C, Hagstrom GI, Visser AW, Andersen KH (2019) Resource limitation determines temperature response of unicellular plankton communities. Journal of Limnology and Oceanography,
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  42. Tunca S, Lindegren M, Ravn-Jonsen L, Lindroos M (2019) Cooperative Fisheries Outperform Non-cooperative Ones in the Baltic Sea Under Different Climate Scenarios. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6:622. 


  1. Almeda R, van Someren Gréve H, Kiørboe T (2018) Prey perception mechanism determines maximum clearance rates of planktonic copepods. Limnol Oceanogr,
  2. Amato A, Sabatino V, Nylund G, Bergkvist J, Basu S, Anderson M,Sanges R, Godhe A, Kiørboe T, Selander E, Ferrante MI (2018) Grazer-induced transcriptomic and metabolomic response of the chain-forming diatom Skeletonema marinoi. ISME Journal,
  3. Andersen KH, Marty L, Arlinghaus R (2018) Evolution of boldness and life-history in response to selective harvesting. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75(2): 271-281,
  4. Cornwell LE, Findlay HS, Lewis C, Fileman ES, Smyth TJ, Hirst AG, Bruun JT, McEvoy AJ, Widdicombe CE, Castellani C, Atkinson A (2018) Seasonality of Oithona similis and Calanus helgolandicus reproduction and abundance: contrasting responses to environmental variation at a shelf site. Journal of Plankton Research,
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  6. van Gemert R, Andersen KH (2018) Implications of late-in-life density-dependent growth for fishery size-at-entry leading to maximum sustainable yield. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75(4): 1296-1305,
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  8. Glaser M, Ferse SC, Neil M, Plass-Johnson J, Satari D, Teichberg M, Reuter H (2018) Breaking resilience for a sustainable future: Thoughts for the anthropocene. Frontiers in Marine Science,
  9. Heilmann IT, Thygesen UH, Sørensen MP (2018) Spatio-temporal pattern formation in predator-prey systems with fitness taxis. Ecological Complexity 34: 44-57,
  10. Holm MW, Kiørboe T, Brun P, Licandro P, Almeda R, Hansen BW (2018) Resting eggs in free living marine and estuarine copepods. J Plankton Res 40(1): 2-15,
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  12. Horne CR, Hirst AG, Atkinson D (2018) Insect temperature-body size trends common to laboratory, latitudinal and seasonal gradients are not found across altitudes. Functional Ecology 32(4): 948-957,
  13. Jaspers C, Marty L, Kiørboe T (2018) Selection for life-history traits to maximize population growth in an invasive species.  Global Change Biology 24:1164-1174,
  14. Kenitz KM, Visser AW, Ohman MD, Landry MR, Andersen KH (2018): Community trait distribution across environmental gradients. Ecosystems 22: 968-980,
  15. Kenitz KM, Visser AW, Andersen KH (2018) Response to comment ‘What drives plankton seasonality in a stratifying shelf sea? Some competing and complementary theories’. Limnol. Oceanogr. 63, 2885-2886,
  16. Kiørboe T, Saiz E, Tiselius P, Andersen KH (2018) Adaptive feeding behavior and functional responses in zooplankton. Limnol Oceanogr 63: 308-321,
  17. Kiørboe T, Visser AW, Andersen KH (2018) A trait-based approach to ocean ecology. ICES J Mar Sci 75 (6): 1849-1863,
  18. Kragesteen TJ, Simonsen K, Visser AW, Andersen KH (2018) Identifying Salmon Lice Transmission Characteristics between Faroese Salmon Farms. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10: 49-60,    
  19. Lindegren M, Brander K (2018) Adapting Fisheries and Their Management to Climate Change: A Review of Concepts, Tools, Frameworks, and Current Progress Toward Implementation. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 26(3): 400-415,
  20. Lindegren M, Checkley Jr DM, Koslow JA, Goericke R, Ohman MD (2018) Climate-mediated changes in marine ecosystem regulation during El Niño. Glob Change Biol. 24(2):796–809,
  21. Lindegren M, Holt BG, MacKenzie BR, Rahbek C (2018) A global mismatch in the protection of multiple marine biodiversity components and ecosystem services. Nature Scientific Reports 8: 4099,
  22. Lindemann C, Visser A, Mariani P (2018) Correction to 'Dynamics of phytoplankton blooms in turbulent vortex cells'. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 15 (138),
  23. Lundholm N, Krock B, John U, Skov J, Cheng J, Pančić M, Wohlrab S, Rigby K, Nielsen TG, Selander E, and Harðardóttir S (2018) Induction of domoic acid-production in diatoms - types of grazers and diatoms are important. Harmful Algae 79: 64-73,
  24. Maud JL, Hirst AG, Atkinson A, Lindeque PH, McEvoy AJ (2018) Mortality of Calanus helgolandicus: sources, differences between the sexes and consumptive and non-consumptive processes. Limnol Oceanogr 63(4): 1741-1761,
  25. McLean M, Mouillot D, Lindegren M, Engelhard G, Villéger S, Marchal P, Brind’Amour A, Auber A (2018). A climate-driven functional inversion of connected marine ecosystems. Current Biology 28: 3654-3660,
  26. Miesner AK, Payne MR (2018) Oceanographic variability shapes the spawning distribution of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou). Fisheries Oceanography, 27(6), 623-638,
  27. Olsson K, Andersen KH (2018) Cannibalism as a selective force on offspring size in fish. Oikos 127(9): 1264-1271,
  28. Pančić M, Kiørboe T (2018) Phytoplankton defence mechanisms: traits and trade-offs. Biological Reviews 93(2): 1269-1303,
  29. Pecuchet L, Reygondeau G, Cheung WWL, Licandro P, van Denderen PD, Payne M, Lindegren M (2018) Spatial distribution of life-history traits and their response to environmental gradients across multiple marine taxa. Ecosphere 9(10),
  30. Pinti J, Visser AW (2018) Predator-Prey Games in Multiple Habitats Reveal Mixed Strategies in Diel Vertical Migration. The American Naturalist 2019,
  31. Plass-Johnson JG, Bednarz VN, Hill JM, Jompa J, Ferse SCA, Teichberg MC (2018) Contrasting responses in the niches of two coral reef herbivores along a gradient of habitat disturbance in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Frontiers in Marine Science,
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  33. Rijnsdorp AD, Bolam SG, Garcia C, Hiddink JG, Hintzen NT, van Denderen PD, van Kooten T (2018) Estimating sensitivity of seabed habitats to disturbance by bottom trawling based on the longevity of benthic fauna. Ecological Applications 28(5): 1302-1312,
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  44. Törnroos A, Pecuchet L, Olsson J, Gårdmark A, Blomqvist M, Lindegren M, Bonsdorff E (2018) Four decades of functional community change reveals gradual trends and low interlinkage across trophic groups in a large marine ecosystem. Global Change Biology 25 (4): 1235-1246,
  45. Xu J, Kiørboe T (2018) Toxic dinoflagellates produce true grazer deterrents. Ecology 99 (10): 2240-2249,
  46. Xu J, Nielsen LT, Kiørboe T (2018) Foraging response and acclimation of ambush feeding and feeding-current feeding copepods to toxic dinoflagellates. Limnol Oceanogr 63: 1449-1461,


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  2. Monograph: Andersen KH (2017) Fish and Fisheries - the size- and trait-based approach. Doctoral Thesis, Technical University of Denmark. 
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  4. Baktoft H, Gjelland KØ, Økland F, Thygesen UH (2017). Positioning of aquatic animals based on time-of-arrival and random walk models using YAPS (Yet Another Positioning Solver). Scientific Reports 7(1),
  5. Berge T, Chakraborty S, Hansen PJ, Andersen KH (2017): Modelling succession of key resource harvesting traits of mixotrophic plankton populations. The ISME Journal11: 212–223,
  6. Brun P, Payne MR, Kiørboe T (2017) A trait database for marine copepods. Earth Syst Sci Data 9: 99–113,
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  21. Kenitz K, Visser AW, Mariani P, Andersen KH (2017) Seasonal succession in zooplankton feeding traits reveals trophic trait cascade. Limnology and Oceanography 62(3) 1184-1197,
  22. Mariani P, Andersen KH, Lindegren M, MacKenzie BR (2017) Trophic impact of Atlantic bluefin tuna migrations in the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (6): 1552-1560.
  23. Nielsen LT, Asadzadeh SS, Dölger J, Walther JH, Kiørboe T, Andersen A (2017) Hydrodynamics of microbial filter-feeding. PNAS 114 (35): 9373–9378,
  24. Patursson EJ, Simonsen K, Visser AW, Patursson Ø. (2017). The effect of exposure on salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) population dynamics in Faroese salmon farms. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 9: 33–43.
  25. Payne MR, Hobday AJ, MacKenzie BR, Tommasi D, Dempsey DP, Fässler SMM, Haynie AC, Ji R, Liu G, Lynch PD, Matei D, Miesner AK, Mills KE, Strand KO, Villarino E (2017) Lessons from the first generation of marine ecological forecast products. Front Mar Sci 4,
  26. Pecuchet L, Lindegren M, Hidalgo M, Delgado M, Esteban A, Fock HO, Gil de Sola L, Punzon A, Solmundsson J, Payne MR. (2017) From traits to life history strategies: deconstructing fish community composition across European Seas. Global ecology and biogeography. 26(7): 812-822,
  27. Someren Gréve H van, Almeda R, Lindegren M, Kiørboe T (2017) Gender- specific feeding rates in planktonic copepods with different feeding behavior. J Plankton Res 39(4): 631-644,
  28. Someren Gréve H van, Almeda R, Kiørboe T (2017) Motile behavior and predation risk in planktonic copepods. Limnol Oceanogr. 62(5): 1810–1824,
  29. Thygesen UH, Albertsen CM, Berg CW, Kristensen K, Nielsen A (2017). Validation of ecological state space models using the Laplace approximation. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 24(2): 317-339,
  30. Traving SJ, Rowe O, Jakobsen NM, Sørensen H, Dinasquet J, Stedmon CA, Andersson A, Riemann L (2017) The effect of increased loads of dissolved organic matter on estuarine microbial composition and function. Frontiers in Microbiology 8 (351),
  31. Visser AW, Grønning J, Jónasdóttir SH. (2017). Calanus hyperboreus and the lipid pump. Limnology and Oceanography 62(3): 1155-1165,
  32. Vu M, Hansen BW, Kiørboe T (2017) The constraints of high density production of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Dana. J Plankton Res 39(6), 1028-1039,
  33. Welti N, Striebel M, Ulseth AJ, Cross WF, DeVilbiss S, Glibert PM, Guo L, Hirst AG, Hood J, Kominoski JS, MacNeill KL, Mehring AS, Welter JR, Hillebrand H (2017) Bridging food webs, ecosystem metabolism, and biogeochemistry using ecological stoichiometry theory. Frontiers in Microbiology 8,
  34. Xu J, Hansen PJ, Nielsen LT, Krock B, Tillmann U, Kiørboe T (2017) Distinctly different behavioral responses of a copepod, Temora longicornis, to different strains of toxic dino­flagellates, Alexandrium spp. Harmful Algae 62: 1-9,
  35. Zhang L, Takahashi D, Hartvig M, Andersen KH (2017): Food-web dynamics under climate change. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 284(1867),


  1. Albertsen CM, Nielsen A, Thygesen UH (2016) Choosing the observational likelihood in state-space stock assessment model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences DOI:
  2. Almeda R, Harvey TE, Connelly TL, Caca S, Buskey E (2016) Influence of UVB radiation on the lethal and sublethal toxicity of dispersed crude oil to planktonic copepod nauplii. Chemosphere 152: 446-458.
  3. * Andersen KH, Berge T, Gonçalves RJ, Hartvig M, Heuschele J, Hylander S, Jacobsen NS, Lindemann C, Martens EA, Neuheimer AB, Olsson K, Palacz A, Prowe F, Sainmont J, Traving SJ, Visser AW, Wadhwa N, Kiørboe T (2016) Characteristic Sizes of Life in the Oceans, from Bacteria to Whales. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 2016. 8: 217–241. doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-122414-034144
  4. * Andersen KH, Blanchard JL, Fulton EA, Gislason H, Jacobsen NS, van Kooten T (2016) Assumptions behind size-based ecosystem models are realistic. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 73(6):1651-1655. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv211.
  5. * Andersen KH, Jacobsen NS, Farnsworth KD (2016) The theoretical foundations for size spectrum models of fish communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 73(4): 575-588 doi:10.1139/cjfas-2015-0230.
  6. * Andersen KH, Jacobsen NS, Jansen T, Beyer JE (2016) When in life does density dependence occur in fish populations? Accepted for publication in Fish and Fisheries.
  7. * Berge T, Chakraborty S, Hansen PJ, Andersen KH (2016) Modelling succession of key resource harvesting traits of mixotrophic plankton populations. The ISME Journal doi: 10.1038/ismej.2016.92.
  8. * Berge T, Hansen PJ (2016) Role of the tertiary plastid of the predatory dinoflagellate Karlodinium armiger. Marine Ecology Progress Series 549: 41–54
  9. Bondoc KG, Heuschele J, Gillard J, Vyverman W, Pohnert G. (2016) Selective silicate-directed motility in diatoms. Nature communications 7: 10540.
  10. * Brun P, Kiørboe T, Licandro P, Payne MR (2016) The Predictive Skill of Species Distribution Models for Plankton in a Changing Climate. Global Change Biology, 22: 3170–
    3181, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13274
  11. * Brun P, Payne M, Kiørboe T (2016) Trait biogeography of marine copepods – an analysis across scales. Ecol Lett, doi: 10.1111/ele.12688
  12. * Burgess MG, Diekert FK, Jacobsen NS, Andersen KH, Gaines SD (2016) Remaining questions in the case for balanced harvesting. Fish and Fisheries 17 (4): 1216-1226. doi: 10.1111/faf.12123
  13. * Hansen AN, Visser AW (2016) Carbon export by vertically migrating zooplankton: an adaptive behavior model. Limnology and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.10249
  14. * Hansen PJ, Ojamäe K, Berge T, Trampe E, Nielsen LT, Lips I, Kühl M (2016) Photoregulation in the kleptochloroplastidic dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuta. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 785.
  15. * Heilmann IT, Starke J, Andersen KH, Thygesen UH, Sørensen MP (2016) Dynamics of a physiologically structured population in a time-varying environment. Ecological Complexity 28:54-61, DOI:
  16. Heuschele J, Nemming L, Tolstrup L, Kiørboe T, Nylund GM, Selander E (2016) The sex specific metabolomics footprint of Oithona davisae, J Sea Res 117: 1-6.
  17. *Hirst AG, Lilley MKS, Glazier DS, Atkinson D (2016) Ontogenetic body-mass scaling of nitrogen excretion relates to body surface area in diverse pelagic invertebrates. Limnology & Oceanography doi: 10.1002/lno.10396
  18. * Horne CR, Hirst AG, Atkinson D, Neves A, Kiørboe T (2016) A global synthesis of seasonal temperature-size responses in copepods. Global Ecol Biogeography, 25, 988–999. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12460 (Featured on the front cover)
  19. * Jacobsen NS, Burgess M, Andersen KH (2016) Efficiency of fisheries is increasing at the ecosystem level. Fish and Fisheries doi:10.1111/faf.12171.
  20. Jansen T, Kristensen K, Kainge PI, Durholtz D, Strømme T, Thygesen UH, Wilhelm MR, Kathena J, Fairweather TP, Paulus S, Degel H, Lipinski MR, Beyer J (2016) Migration, distribution and population (stock) structure of shallow-water hake (Merluccius capensis) in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem inferred using a geostatistical population model. Fisheries Research, vol: 179:156-167, DOI:
  21. Kathena J, Nielsen A, Thygesen UH, Berg C (2016) Hake Species (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) Assessment in The Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Envir. Devel. 17: 193-201
  22. * Kiørboe T (2016) Fluid dynamic constraints on resource acquisition in small pelagic organisms. Europ Phys J ST, 225: 671–685. DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2015-50261-1
  23. * Kiørboe T (2016) Foraging mode and prey size spectra in suspension feeding copepods and other zooplankton. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 558: 15-20.
  24. * Kiørboe T, Gonçalves RJ, Couespel D, van Someren Gréve H, Saiz E, Tiselius P (2016) Prey perception in feeding-current feeding copepods. Limnol Oceanogr, 61: 1169–1171. doi: 10.1002/lno.10293
  25. Kokkalis A, Eikeset AM, Thygesen UH, Steingrund P, Andersen KH (2016) Estimating uncertainty of data limited stock assessment. ICES Journal of Marine Science, DOI:
  26. Le Quéré C, Buitenhuis ET, Moriarty R, Alvain S, Aumont O , Bopp L, Chollet S, Enright C, Franklin DJ, Geider RJ, Harrison SP, Hirst AG, Larsen S, Legendre L, Platt T, Prentice IC, Rivkin RB, Sathyendranath S, Stephens N, Vogt M, Sailley S, Vallina SM (2016) Role of zooplankton dynamics for Southern Ocean phytoplankton biomass and global biogeochemical cycles. Biogeosciences 13: 4111-4133. doi:10.5194/bg-13-4111-2016
  27. * Lindegren M, Checkley DM Jr., Ohman MD, Koslow A, Goericke R (2016) Resilience and Stability of a Pelagic Marine Ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 283: 20151931.
  28. * Lindemann C, Fiksen Ø, Andersen KH, Aksnes DL (2016) Scaling laws in phytoplankton nutrient uptake affinity. Frontiers in Marine Science doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00026.
  29. Mariani P, Krivan V, MacKenzie B, Mullon C (2016) The migration game in habitat network: the case of tuna. Theoretical Ecology, vol 9, no. 2, pp. 219-232., 10.1007/s12080-015-0290-8
  30. * Menden-Deuer S, Kiørboe T (2016) Small bugs with a big impact: linking plankton ecology with ecosystem processes. J Plankton Res 38: 1036–1043. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbw049
  31. Mitra A, Flynn KJ, Tillmann U, Raven JA, Caron D, Stoecker DK, Not F, Hansen PJ, Hallegraeff G, Sanders RW, Wilken S, McManus G, Johnson M, Pitta P, Vagen S, Berge T, Calbet A, Thingstad F, Jeong HJ, Burkholder J-A, Glibert PM, Granéli E, Lundgren V (2016) Defining planktonic protist functional groups on mechanisms for energy and nutrient acquisition; incorporation of diverse mixotrophic strategies. Protist 167: 106-120
  32. * Neuheimer AB, Hartvig M, Heuschele J, Hylander S, Kiørboe T, Olsson K, Sainmont J, Andersen KH (2016) Adult and offspring size in the ocean: A database of size metrics and conversion factors (Data Paper) Ecology, 97(4): 1083
  33. Nielsen LT, Hansen PJ, Krock B, Vismann B (2016) Accumulation, transformation and breakdown of DSP toxins from the toxic dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuta in blue mussels, Mytilus edulis. Toxicon 117: 84-93
  34. * Olsson KH, Gislason H, Andersen KH (2016) Differences in density-dependence drive dual offspring size strategies in fish. Journal of Theoretical Biology 407: 118–127.
  35. * Olsson KH, Gislason H (2016) Testing reproductive allometry in fish. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 73(6):1466-1473. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw017
  36. Payne MR, Barange M, Cheung WWL, MacKenzie BR, Batchelder HP, Cormon X, Eddy TD, et al. (2016) Uncertainties in projecting climate-change impacts in marine ecosystems. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 73: 1272–1282.
  37. *Pécuchet L, Törnroos A, Lindegren M (2016) Patterns and drivers of fish community assembly in a large marine ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series 546: 239-248
  38. Ravn-Jonsen L, Andersen KH, Vestergaard N (2016) An Indicator for Ecosystem Externalities in Fishing. Natural Resource Modeling 29(3) 400-425.
  39. Rijnsdorp AD, Bastardie F, Bolam SG, Buhl-Mortensen L, Eigaard OR, Hamons KG, Hiddink JG, Hintzen NT, Ivanovic A, Kenny A, Laffargue P, Nielsen JR, O’Neill G, Piet GJ, Polet H, Sala A, Smith C, van Denderen PD, van Kooten T, Zengin M. (2016) Towards a framework for the quantitative assessment of trawling impact on the seabed and benthic ecosystem. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73: i127-138.
  40. * Schnedler-Meyer NA, Mariani P, Kiørboe T (2016) The global susceptibility of coastal forage fish to competition by large jellyfish. Proc R Soc B 283: 20161931
  41. Selander E, Heuschele J, Nylund GM, Pohnert G, Pavia H, Bjærke O, Pender-Healy L, Tiselius P, Kiørboe T (2016) Solid phase extraction and metabolic profiling of exudates from living copepods. PeerJ. 4: e1529.
  42. Stoecker DK, Hansen PJ, Caron D, Mitra A (2016/2017) Mixotrophy in the Marine Plankton. Annual Review of Marine Science 9:2.1-2.25 (e-pub/publ)
  43. * Thonig A, Knott KE, Kesäniemi JE, Hansen BW, Banta GT (2016) Population and reproductive dynamics of the polychaete Pygospio elegans in a boreal estuary complex. Invertebrate Biology 135(4): 370-384
  44. Thygesen UH (2016) A diffusion approximation based on renewal processes with applications to strongly biased run–tumble motion. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 78(3):556-579, DOI:
  45. Thygesen UH, Sommer L, Evans K, Patterson TA (2016) Dynamic optimal foraging theory explains vertical migrations of bigeye tuna. Ecology 97(7):1852-1861, DOI:
  46. * Traving SJ, Bentzon-Tilia M, Knudsen-Leerbeck H, Mantikci M, Hansen JLS, Stedmon CA, Sørensen H, Markager S and Riemann L (2016) Coupling bacterioplankton populations and environment to community function in coastal temperate waters. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7 (1533): 1-13
  47. * Tsoukali S, Olsson KH, Visser AW, MacKenzie BR (2016) Adult lifetime reproductive value in fish depends on size and fecundity type. Can. J. Fish. Aqua. Sci. 73(9): 1405-1412, 10.1139/cjfas-2015-0378
  48. * Tsoukali S, Visser AW, MacKenzie BR (2016) Functional responses of North Atlantic fish eggs to increasing temperature. Marine Ecology Progress Series 555: 151-165; doi: 10.3354/meps11758
  49. van Denderen PD, Rijnsdorp AD, van Kooten T. (2016) Using marine reserves to manage impact of bottom trawl fisheries requires consideration of benthic food-web interactions. Ecological Applications 26 (7): 2302-2310
  50. van Deurs M, Persson A, Lindegren M, Jacobsen C, Jorgensen C, Neuenfeldt S, Nilsson A (2016) Marine ecosystem connectivity mediated by migrant-resident interactions and the concomitant cross-system flux of lipids. Ecology and Evolution doi:10.1002/ece3.2167
  51. * Weisse T, Anderson R, Arndt H, Calbet A, Hansen PJ, Montagnes DJS (2016) Functional ecology of aquatic phagotrophic protists – concepts, limitations, and perspectives. J. Eur. Protistol. 55: 50–74


  1. Almeda R, Connelly TL, Buskey E (2015) How much crude oil can zooplankton ingest? Estimating the quantity of dispersed crude oil defecated by planktonic copepods. Environmental Pollution. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2015.10.041.

  2. *Andersen A, Wadhwa N, Kiørboe T (2015) Quiet swimming at low Reynolds number. Phys. Rev. E, 91: 042712. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.91.042712
    (Featured by APS Physics Central:

  3. *Andersen KH, Aksnes DL, Berge T, Fiksen Ø, Visser AW. (2015) Modeling emergent trophic strategies in plankton. J. Plankton Research 37(5) 862-868. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv054

  4. *Andersen KH, Beyer JE (2015): Size structure, not metabolic scaling rules, determines fisheries reference points Fish and Fisheries 16(1) 1-22.

  5. *Andersen KH, Brander K, Ravn-Jonsen LJ (2015). Trade-offs between objectives for ecosystem management of fisheries Ecological Applications 25: 1390-1396.

  6. *Andersen KH, Jacobsen NS, Farnsworth KD (2015) The theoretical foundations for size spectrum models of fish communities. Canadian Journal Fisheries Aquatic Sciences. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2015-0230

  7. *Brun P, Kiørboe T, Payne M (2015) Measuring evolutionary adaptations of phytoplankton with local field observations. PNAS

  8. *Brun P, Vogt M, Payne M, Gruber N, O’Brien C, Buitenhuis ET, Le Quéré C, Leblanc K, Luo YW (2015). Ecological niches of open ocean phytoplankton taxa. Limnol Oceanogr 60: 1020-1038

  9. Burgess MG, Diekert FK, Jacobsen NS, Andersen KH, Gaines SD (2015). Remaining questions in the case for balanced harvesting. Fish. doi: 10.1111/faf.12123.

  10. Chakraborty S (2015) The influence of generalist predators in spatially extended predator-prey systems. Ecological Complexity 23: 50-60.

  11. Chakraborty S, Kooi B, Biswas B, Chattopadhyay J (2015) Revealing the role of predator interference in a predator-prey system with disease in prey population. Ecological Complexity 21: 100-111.

  12. Dickey-Collas, M., Hintzen, N. T., Nash, R. D. M., Schon, P.-J., and Payne, M. R. 2015. Quirky patterns in time-series of estimates of recruitment could be artefacts. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72: 111–116


  13. *Ergin FG, Watz BB, Wadhwa N (2015) Pixel-accurate dynamic masking and flow measurements around small breaststroke-swimmers using long-distance MicroPIV. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV15, Santa Barbara, CA.

  14. Ferreira ASA, Hátún H, Counillon F, Payne MR, Visser AW (2015). Synoptic scale analysis of mechanisms driving surface chlorophyll dynamics in the North Atlantic. Biogeosciences, 12(1), 3641-3653

  15. Frisk C, Andersen KH, Temming A, Herrmann JP, Madsen KS, Kraus G (2015): Environmental effects on sprat (Sprattus sprattus) physiology and growth at the distribution frontier: A bioenergetic modelling approach. Ecological Modelling 299130–139.

  16. *Glazier DS, Hirst AG, Atkinson D (2015) Shape shifting predicts ontogenetic changes in metabolic scaling in diverse aquatic invertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20142302. doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.2302

  17. *Gonçalves RJ, Kiørboe T (2015) Perceiving the algae: how feeding-current feeding copepods detect their non-motile prey. Limnol Oceanogr 60: 1286–1297

  18. *Horne C, Hirst AG, Atkinson D (2015) Temperature-size responses match latitudinal-size clines in arthropods, revealing critical differences between aquatic and terrestrial species. Ecology Letters 18: 327-335. doi: 10.1111/ele.12413

  19. *Horne C, Hirst A, Atkinson D, Neves A, Kiørboe T (submitted) A global synthesis of.

  20. Huse G, MacKenzie BR, Trenkel V, Doray M, Nøttestad L, Oskarsson G (2015) Spatially explicit estimates of stocks sizes, structure and biomass of herring and blue whiting, and catch data of bluefin tuna. Earth System Science Data Discussions 7: 35-46. doi:10.5194/essd-7-35-2015 (OA)

  21. Hylander S, Kiørboe T, Snoeijs P, Sommaruga R, Nielsen TG (2015) Concentrations of sunscreens and antioxidant pigments in Arctic Calanus spp. in relation to ice cover, ultraviolet radiation, and the phytoplankton spring bloom. Limnol Oceanogr 60: 2197-2206

  22. *Jacobsen NS, Essington TE, Andersen KH (2015). Comparing model predictions for ecosystem based management. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. NRC Research Press. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2014-0561.

  23. Jaspers C, Møller LF, Kiørboe T (2015) Egg production rates under variable food conditions and starvation in the comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi - insights to its invasion success in northern Europe. J Plankton Res 37: 1011-1018. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv017

  24. Jónasdóttir SH, Visser AW, Richardson K, Heath MR. (2015) Seasonal copepod lipid pump promotes carbon sequestration in the deep North Atlantic. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences. 112 no. 39: 12122–12126. doi:10.1073/pnas.1512110112

  25. *Kiørboe T (submitted) Fluid dynamic constraints on resource acquisition in small pelagic organisms. Submitted.

  26. *Kiørboe T, Ceballos S, Thygesen UH (2015) Interrelations between senescence, life history traits, and behaviour in planktonic copepods. Ecology 96: 2225-2235

  27. Kokkalis A, Thygesen UH, Nielsen A, Andersen KH (2015) Limits to the reliability of size-based fishing status estimation for data-poor stocks. Fisheries Research 171: 4-11

  28. Kolding J, Jacobsen NS, Andersen KH, van Zwieten P (2015) Maximizing fisheries yields while maintaining community structure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries Aquatic Sciences.

  29. Logue JB, Stedmon CA, Kellerman AM, Nielsen NJ, Andersson AF, Laudon H, Kritzberg ES (2015) Experimental insights into the importance of aquatic bacterial community composition to the degradation of dissolved organic matter. ISME J 1-13

  30. *Martens EA, Wadhwa N, Nis S. Jacobsen NS, Christian Lindemann C, Andersen KH, Visser AW. (2015) Size structures sensory hierarchy in ocean life. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 282: 20151346.

  31. Maud J, Atkinson A, Hirst AG, Lindeque PK, Widdicombe CE, Harmer RA, McEvoy AJ, Cummings DC (2015) How does Calanus helgolandicus maintain its population in a variable environment? Analysis of a 25-year time series from the English Channel. Progress in Oceanography 137: 513-523

  32. *Neuheimer AB, Hartvig M, Heuschele J, Hylander S, Kiørboe T, Olsson K, Sainmont J, Andersen KH (2015) Adult and offspring size in the ocean: A database of size metrics and conversion factor (Data Paper) Ecology in press

  33. *Neuheimer AB, Hartvig M, Heuschele J, Hylander S, Kiørboe T, Olsson K, Sainmont J, Andersen KH (2015) Adult and offspring size in the ocean over 17 orders of magnitude follows two life history strategies. Ecology 96: 3303-3311

  34. *Nielsen LT, Kiørboe T (2015) Feeding currents facilitate a mixotrophic way of life. ISME Journal, 9, 2117–2127, doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.27.

  35. *Pécuchet L, Törnroos A, Lindegren M (2015) Environmental filtering drives functional diversity of fish communities in a large brackish marine ecosystem. Marine Ecology-Progress Series (accepted)

  36. Riisgaard K, Nielsen TG, Hansen PJ (2015) Impact of elevated pH on Arctic spring bloom succession. Marine Ecology Progress Series530:63-75

  37. Rullyanto A, Jónasdóttir SH, Visser, AW, (2015). Advective loss of overwintering Calanus finmarchicus from the Faroe-Shetland channel. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 98, 76–82

  38. *Sainmont J, Andersen KH, Thygesen UH, Fiksen Ø, Visser AW. (2015) An effective algorithm for approximating adaptive behavior in seasonal environments. Ecological Modelling. 311: 20-30

  39. *Sichlau MH, Thygesen UH, Nielsen EE, Kiørboe T (2015) Mating success and sexual selection in a pelagic copepod, Temora longicornis: Evidence from paternity analyses. Limnol. Oceanogr. 60: 600–610. doi: 10.1002/lno.10052

  40. Thoisen C, Riisgaard K, Lundholm N, Nielsen TG, Hansen PJ (2015) Effect of acidification on an Arctic phytoplankton community from Disko Bay, West Greenland. Marine Ecology Progress Series 520: 21-34

  41. *Traving SJ, Thygesen, UH, Riemann L, Stedmon CA (2015) A model of extracellular enzymes in free-living microbes: which strategy pays off? AEM 81:7385-7393

    (Featured in the AEM Editorial Spotlight:

  42. *Törnroos A, Nordström MC, Aarnio K, Bonsdorff E. (2015) Environmental context drives trophic trait plasticity in a key species, the tellinid clam Macoma balthica L. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 472: 32-40

  43. Visser AW, Nielsen TG, Middelboe M, Høyer JI, Markager S. (2015). Oceanography and the base of the pelagic food web in the southern Indian Ocean. Journal of Plankton Research. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv019

  44. *Zhang L, Andersen KH, Dieckmann U, Brännström Å (2015): Four types of interference competition and their impacts on the ecology and evolution of size-structured populations and communities. J. Theoretical Biology 380: 280-290.


  1. Augustine,S., Jaspers C, Kooijman SALM, Carlotti F, Poggiale J-C, Freitas V, van der Veer HW, van Walraven L (2014). Mechanisms behind the metabolic flexibility of an invasive comb jelly. J. Sea Res. DOI:10.1016/j.seares.2014.09.005

  2. Berge T, Hansen PJ (accepted, 2014). Role of the tertiary plastid of the predatory dinoflagellate Karlodinium armiger. Mar Ecol Prog Ser In press

  3. Bianco G, Mariani P, Visser AW, Mazzocchi MG, Pigolotti S (2014). Analysis of self-overlap reveals trade-offs in plankton swimming trajectories. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 11(96), 20140164

  4. Blanchard JL, Andersen KH, Scott F, Hinzen NT, Piet G, Jennings S (2014). Evaluating targets and trade-offs among fisheries and conservation objectives using a multispecies size spectrum model. J. Applied Ecology, 51: 612-622

  5. Bureau E, Schilder F, Elmegård M, Santos I, Thomsen J, Starke J (2014). Experimental Bifurcation Analysis of an Impact Oscillator – Determining Stability. Journal of Sound and Vibration 333(21): 5464-5474

  6. Calduch-Verdiell N, MacKenzie BR, Vaupel JW, Andersen KH (2014). A life-history evaluation of the impact of maternal effects on recruitment and fisheries reference points. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 71: 1113–1120

  7. Casale P, Mariani P (2014). The first “lost year” of Mediterranean sea turtles: dispersal patterns indicate subregional management units for conservation. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 498:263-274. doi: 10.3354/meps10640

  8. Ceballos S, Sichlau MH, Heuschele J, Kiørboe T (2014). Low fertilization rates in a pelagic copepod caused by sexual selection?  J. Plankton Res 36: 736-742. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbu021

  9. De Luca G, Mariani P, MacKenzie BR, Marsili M (2014). Fishing out collective memory of migratory schools.  J. Roy. Soc. Interface 11: 20140043.

  10. Engelhard GH, Peck MA, Rindorf A, Smout S, van Deurs M, Raab K, Andersen KH, Garthe S, Lauerburg RAM, Scott F, Brunel T, Aarts G, van Kooten T, Dickey-Collas M (2014). Forage fish, their fisheries, and their predators: who drives whom? ICES J Mar Sci 71: 90-104

  11. FitzGeorge-Balfour T, Hirst AG, Lucas CH, Craggs J (2014). Influence of copepod size and behaviour on vulnerability to predation by the scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita. J Plankton Res 36: 77-90 

  12. Flynn KJ, Hansen PJ (2013). Cutting the canopy to defeat the “selfish gene”; conflicting selection pressures for the integration of phototrophy in mixotrophic protists. Protist 164: 811-823

  13. Flynn, KJ, Stoecker DK, Mitra A, Raven JA, Glibert PM, Hansen PJ, Granéli E, Burkholder JM (2013). HORIZONS - Misuse of the phytoplankton-zooplankton dichotomy: The need to assign organisms as mixotrophs within plankton functional types. J Plankton Res 35: 3-11 Horizons

  14. Gonçalves RJ, van Someren Gréve H, Couespel D, Kiørboe T (2014). Mechanisms of prey size selection in a suspension feeding copepod, Temora longicornis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 517: 61-74

  15. Hansen PJ, Nielsen LT, Johnson MD, Berge T, Flynn KJ (2013). Acquired phototrophy in Mesodinium and Dinophysis – a review of cellular organization, prey selectivity, nutrient uptake and bioenergetics. Harmful Algae 28: 126-139

  16. Hays GC, Christensen A, Fossette S, Schofield G, Talbot J, Mariani P (2014). Route optimization and solving Zermelo's navigation problem during long distance migration in cross flows. Ecology Letters. 17   Issue: 2   Pages: 137-143   doi: 10.1111/ele.12219

  17. Heuschele J, Ceballos S, Andersen Borg CM, Bjærke O, Isari S, Lasley-Rasher R, Souissi A, Souissi S, Titelman J (2014). Non-consumptive effects of predator presence on copepod reproduction: insights from a mesocosm experiment. Mar Biol 161: 1653-1666doi:10.1007/s00227-014-2449-z

  18. Heuschele J, Selander E (2014). The chemical ecology of copepods. J Plankton Res 36, Issue 4: 895-913 doi:10.1093/plankt/fbu025

  19. Hirst A, Kiørboe T (2014). Macroevolutionary Patterns of Sexual Size Dimorphism in Copepods. Proc. R. Soc. B 281:

  20. Hirst AG, Glazier DS, Atkinson D (2014). Body shape-shifting during growth permits tests that distinguish between competing geometric theories of metabolic scaling. Ecology Letters 17: 1274-1281. doi: 10.1111/ele.12334
    [Featured on front cover]

  21. Hirst AG, Keister JE, Richardson AJ, Ward P, Shreeve RS, Escribano RV (2014). Re-assessing copepod growth using the Moult Rate Method. J Plankotn Res 36: 1224-1232. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbu045

  22. Hylander S, Grenwald J, Kiørboe T (2014). Fitness cost of UVR exposure in marine pelagic copepods. Funct. Ecol. 28: 149–158. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12159 

  23. Jacobsen NS, Gislason H, Andersen KH. (2014). The consequences of balanced harvesting of fish communities. Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20132701 

  24. Kiørboe T, Hirst AG (2014). Shifts in mass-scaling of respiration, feeding, and growth rates across life-form transitions in marine pelagic organisms. Am. Nat. 183: E118–E130. DOI: 10.1086/675241

  25. Kiørboe T, Jiang H, Gonçalves RJ, Nielsen LT, Wadhwa N (2014). Flow disturbances generated by feeding and swimming zooplankton. PNAS 111:11738–11743.
    (Featured in J.Exp Biol , in J. Plankton Res, and in Scientific American)

  26. Kristensen K, Thygesen UH, Andersen KH, Beyer JE (2014). Estimating spatio-temporal dynamics of size-structured populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 71: 326–336.

  27. Lika K, Augustine S, Pecquerie L, Kooijman SA (2014). The bijection from data to parameter space with the standard DEB model quantifies the supply-demand spectrum. J Theor Biol.

  28. Lindegren M,   Andersen KH, Casini M, Neuenfeldt S (2014). A metacommunity perspective on source-sink dynamics and management: the Baltic Sea as a case study. Ecological Applications 24:1820:1832

  29. MacKenzie BR, Payne M, Boje J, Højer JL, Siegstad H (2014). A cascade of warming impacts brings bluefin tuna to Greenland waters. Global Change Biology 20: 2484–2491, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12597 
    (Featured on front cover of issue)

  30. Martens EA, Wadhwa N, Jacobsen NS, Lindemann C, Andersen KH, Visser A (submitted). Size and sense in the Ocean. Journal of the Royal Society Interface

  31. Marty L, Rochet MJ, Ernande B (2014). Temporal trends in age and size at maturation of four North Sea gadid species: cod, haddock, whiting and Norway pout. Marine Ecology Progress Series 497: 179-197

  32. Mitra A, Flynn KJ, Burkholder JM, Berge T, Calbet A, Raven JA, Granéli E, Glibert PM,  Hansen PJ, Stoecker DK, Thingstad F, Tillmann U, Våge S, Wilken S, Zubkov M (2014). The role of mixotrophic protists in the biological carbon pump. Biogeosciences 11: 995-1005 

  33. Murphy EJ, Watkins JL, Trathan PN, Reid K, Meredith MP, Hill SL, Thorpe SE, Johnston NM, Clarke A, Tarling GA, Collins MA, Forcada J, Atkinson A, Ward P, Staniland IJ, Pond DW, Cavanagh RA, Shreeve RS, Korb RE, Whitehouse MJ, Rodhouse PG, Enderlein P, Hirst AG, Martin AR, Briggs DR, Cunningham NJ, Fleming AH (2012). Spatial and temporal operation of the Scotia Sea ecosystem. In: Rogers AD, Johnston NM, Murphy EJ, Clarke A. (eds). Antarctic ecosystems: An extreme environment in a changing world. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 160-212

  34. Neuheimer AB, MacKenzie BR. Explaining life history variation in a changing climate across a species’ range.  Ecology. 95: 3364-337.5

  35. Prowe AEF, Pahlow M, Dutkiewicz S, Oschlies A (2014). How important is diversity for capturing environmental-change responses in ecosystem models? Biogeosciences 11(12): 3397-3407, doi: 10.5194/bg-11-3397-2014

  36. Reuman DC, Gislason H, Barnes C, Mèlin F, Jennings S (2014). The marine diversity spectrum. J. Anim. Ecol., 83(4): 963-979.

  37. Sainmont J, Andersen, KH, Varpe Ø, Visser AW (2014). Capital versus income breeding in a seasonal Environment. American Naturalist 184 (4): DOI: 10.1086/677926

  38. Sainmont J, Webster C, Heuschele J, Gislason A, Sylvander P, Wang M, Varpe Ø (2014). Inter- and intra-specific diurnal habitat selection of zooplankton during the spring bloom observed by Video Plankton Recorder. Marine Biology 161 (8): 1931-1941

  39. Sanders R, Henson S, Koski M, De La Rocha CL, Painter SC, Poulton A, Riley J, Salihoglu B, Visser AW, Yool A, Bellerby R, Martin A (2014). The Biological Carbon Pump in the North Atlantic. Prog Oceanogr. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.05.005

  40. Schilder F, Bureau E, Santos I, Thomsen J, Starke J (2014, submitted). Continuation in Experiments: An Atlas Algorithm for Noise-Contaminated Zero Problems

  41. Scott F, Blanchard JL, Andersen KH (2014). mizer: an R package for multispecies, trait-based and community size spectrum ecological modelling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 5: 1121-1125

  42. van der Molen J, van Beek J, Augustine S, Vansteenbrugge L, van Walraven L, Langenberg V, van der Veer HW, Hostens K, Pitois S, Robbens J (2014). Modelling survival and connectivity of Mnemiopsis leidyi in the southern North Sea and Scheldt estuaries. Ocean Sci. Discuss. 11: 1561-1611

  43. Wadhwa N, Andersen A, Kiørboe T (2014). Hydrodynamics and energetics of jumping copepod nauplii and copepodids. J Exp Biol 217: 1-10. doi:10.1242/jeb.105676

  44. Zhang L, Thygesen UH, Banerjee M (2014). Size-dependent diffusion promotes the emergence of spatiotemporal patterns. Physical Review E: 90, issue: 1

Popular articles in 2014

  1. Jacobsen, N.S. (2014) Fiskeyngel er fremtidens nytårstorsk, Aktuel Naturvidenskab 3 Juli 2014

  2. Kiørboe, T., Andersen A. Bohr T (2014) Forskning på tværs af faggrænser. Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 1: 32-36 

  3. Kiørboe, T, Hylstofte Sichlau, M (2014) Lækre lopper scorer bedst. Aktuel Naturvidenskab 3:8-11 

  4. Olsson. K.H. (2014) Hvorfor lægger fisk små æg? Aktuel Naturvidenskab 5: 8-10 


  1. Andersen KH, Beyer JE (2013). Size structure, not metabolic scaling rules, determines fisheries reference points. Fish and Fisheries

  2. Barton A, Pershing A, Litchman E, Record N, Edwards K, Finkel Z, Kiørboe T, Ward B (2013). The Biogeography of Marine Plankton Traits. Ecol. Lett. 16: 522–534. doi: 10.1111/ele.12063

  3. Brander K (2013). Climate and current anthropogenic impacts on fisheries. Climatic Change 119: 9-21

  4. Brander K, Neuheimer A, Andersen KH, Hartvig M (2013). Food for Thought: Overconfidence in model projections. ICES Journal of Marine Science 70(6), 1065–1068

  5. Bureau E, Schilder F, Santos I, Thomsen J, Starke J (2013). Experimental Bifurcation Analysis of an Impact Oscillator – Tuning a Non-Invasive Control Scheme. Journal of Sound and Vibration 332(22), 5883–5897

  6. Dickey-Collas M, Engelhard GH, Rindorf A, Raab K, Smout S, Aarts G, van Deurs M, Brunel T, Hoff A, Lauerburg RAM, Garthe S, Andersen KH, Scott F, van Kooten T, Beare D, Peck MA (2013). Ecosystem-based management objectives for the North Sea: riding the forage fish rollercoaster. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst075

  7. FitzGeorge-Balfour T, Hirst AG, Lucas CH, Craggs J (2013). Influence of copepod size and behaviour on vulnerability to predation by the scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita. Journal of Plankton Research. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbt077

  8. Flynn KJ, Hansen PJ (2013). Cutting the canopy to defeat the "selfish gene"; conflicting selection pressures for the integration of phototrophy in mixotrophic protists. Protist. 164: 811-823

  9. Flynn, KJ, Stoecker DK, Mitra A, Raven JA, Glibert PM, Hansen PJ, Granéli E, and Burkholder JM (2013) Misuse of the phytoplankton-zooplankton dichotomy: the need to assign organisms as mixotrophs within plankton functional types. Journal of Plankton Research. J. Plankton Res. 35: 3-11 doi:10.1093/plankt/fbs062

  10. Gaididei Y, Gorria C, Berkemer R, Christiansen P, Kawamoto A, Sørensen M, Starke J (2013). Stochastic control of traffic patterns. Invited article for special issue “Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Applications to Complex Systems”

  11. (editors: Henri Berestycki, Danielle Hilhorst, Frank Merle, Masayasu Mimura and Khashayar Pakdaman) of NHM (Networks and Heterogeneous Media), 8(1), 261–273, dedicated to Professor Hiroshi Matano on the occasion of his 60th birthday

  12. Hansen PJ, Nielsen LT, Johnson M, Berge T, Flynn KJ (2013). Acquired phototrophy in Mesodinium and Dinophysis – A review of cellular organization, prey selectivity, nutrient uptake and bioenergetics. Harmful Algae 28:126-139

  13. Hartvig M, Andersen KH (2013). Coexistence of structured populations with size-based prey selection. Theoretical Population Ecology 89:24-33

  14. Heuschele J, Eliassen S, Kiørboe T (2013). Optimal mate choice patterns in pelagic copepods. Oecologia 172:399-408. doi 10.1007/s00442-012-2516-4

  15. Hirst AG, Bonnet D, Conway DVP, Kiørboe T (2013). Female-biased sex ratios in marine pelagic copepods: Comment on Gusmão et al. (2013). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. doi: 10.3354/meps10522

  16. Hirst AG, Forster J (2013). When growth models are not universal: evidence from marine invertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280:20131546.

  17. Hollowed AB, Barange M, Beamish RJ, Brander K, et al (2013). Projected impacts of climate change on marine fish and fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science (ISSN: 10543139)., 70: 1023-1037

  18. Houle JE, Andersen KH, Farnsworth KD, Reid DG (2013). Emerging asymmetric interactions between forage and predator fisheries impose management trade-offs. Journal of Fish Biology 83(4) 890-904

  19. Hylander S, Grenvald JC, Kiørboe T (2013). Fitness costs and benefits of ultraviolet radiation exposure in marine pelagic copepods. Functional Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12159

  20. Jansen T, Gislason H (2013). Population Structure of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) PloS one 8 (5), e64744

  21. Jaspers C, Haraldsson M, Lombard F, Bolte S, Kiørboe T (2013). Seasonal dynamics of early life stages of invasive and native ctenophores give clues to invasion and bloom potential in the Baltic Sea. J. Plankton Res. 35: 582–594

  22. Jonsen ID, Basson M, Bestley S, Bravington MV, Patterson TA, Pedersen MW, Thomson R, Thygesen UH, and Wotherspoon SJ (2013). State-space models for bio-loggers: A methodological road map. Deep-Sea Research. Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography 88-89: 34-46. doi:

  23. Kiørboe T (2013). Attack or attacked: The sensory and fluid mechanical constraints of copepod predator-prey interactions. Int Comp Biol, pp. 1–11. doi:10.1093/icb/ict021

  24. Kiørboe T (2013). Zooplankton body composition. Limnol. Oceanogr. 58:1843-1850. doi:10.4319/lo.2013.58.5.1843

  25. Kiørboe T, Jiang H (2013). To eat and not be eaten: Optimal foraging behavior in suspension feeding copepods. J. Roy. Soc. Int. 10: 20120693.

  26. Litchman E, Ohman M, Kiørboe T (2013). Trait-based approaches to zooplankton communities. J Plankton Res 35: 473–484
    (Featured on the front cover)

  27. Lombard F, Guidi L, Kiørboe T (2013). Effect of type and concentration of ballasting particles on sinking rate of marine snow produced by the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica. PlosOne 8(9): e75676. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075676

  28. Lombard F, Koski M, Kiørboe T (2013). Copepods use chemical trails to find sinking marine snow aggregates. Limnol. Oceanogr. 58: 185-192

  29. MacKenzie B, Payne MR (2013). Fisheries: Manage declines. Nature, 495: 314

  30. Mariani P, Andersen KH, Visser AW, Barton AD, Kiørboe T (2013). Control of plankton seasonal succession by adaptive grazing. Limnol Oceanogr 58(1) 173-184

  31. Martens EA, Thutupalli S, Fourrière A, Hallatschek O (2013). Chimera states in mechanical oscillator networks. PNAS 2013 110: 10563-10567

  32. Mitra K, Flynn J, Burkholder JM, Berge T, Calbet A, Raven JA, Granéli E, Glibert PM,Hansen PJ, Stoecker DK, Thingstad F, Tillmann U, Våge S, Wilken S, Zubkov MV (2013). The role of mixotrophic protists in the biological carbon pump. Biogeosciences Discussions 10: 13535-13562

  33. Neuheimer AB, MacKenzie BR (2013). Explaining variation in life history timing across a species’ range: Spawning time in an exploited marine fish. ICES Annual Science Conference, Sept. 23-27, 2013

  34. Payne MR (2013). Climate change at the dinner table. Nature, 497: 320–321
    (Featured as the 2013 Editors choice in Nature 504: 386)

  35. Peck MA, Neuenfeldt S, Essington T, Trenkel VM, Takasuka A, Gislason H, Dickey-Collas M, Andersen KH, Ravn-Jonsen L, Vestergaard N, Kvamsdal S, Gårdmark A, Link J, Rice JC (2013). Forage fish interactions: A symposium on creating the tools for ecosystem-based management of marine resources. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71:1-4. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst174

  36. Poloczanska ES,…, Brander K, et al (2013). Global imprint of climate change on marine life. Nature Clim.Change 3 (10): 919-25

  37. Prowe AEF, Pahlow M, Dutkiewicz S, Oschlies A (2013). Small diversity effects on ocean primary production under environmental change in a diversity-resolving ocean ecosystem model. Biogeosciences Discuss. 10:12571-12591. doi:10.5194/bgd-10-12571-2013

  38. Rice J, Daan N, Gislason H, Pope JG (2013). Does functional redundancy stabilize fish communities? ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 70 (4), 734-742

  39. Ross SD, Behrens JW, Brander K, Methling C, Mork J (2013). Haemoglobin genotypes in cod (Gadus morhua L): their geographic distribution and physiological significance. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 166:158-168

  40. Sainmont J, Thygesen UH, Visser AW (2013). Diel vertical migration arising in a habitat selection game. Theoretical Ecology, 6(2):241–251. doi: 10.1007/s12080-012-0174-0

  41. Salinger MJ, Bell JD, Evans K, Hobday AJ, Allain V, Brander K, Dexter P, Harrison DE, Hollowed AB, Lee B, Stefanski R (2013). Climate and oceanic fisheries: recent observations and projections and future needs. Climatic Change. 119: 213-221

  42. Sparrevohn C, Lindegren M, MacKenzie BR (2013). Climatic induced response of commercially important flatfish species near Denmark during the 20th century. Fisheries Oceanography 22: 400-408

  43. Starke J (2013). Dynamical System Approaches to Combinatorial Optimization. Invited Chapter. Pages 1065-1124 in Pardalos P, Du D-Z, Graham R: Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, 2nd Edition. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, New York

  44. Tiselius P, Saiz E, Kiørboe T (2013). Sensory capabilities and food capture of two small copepods, Paracalanus parvus and Pseudocalanus sp. Limnol Oceanogr. 58: 1657-1666. doi:10.4319/lo.2013.58.5.1657

  45. Visser AW, Fiksen Ø (2013). Optimal foraging in marine ecosystem models: selectivity, profitability and switching. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 473: 91-101

  46. Zhang L, Hartvig M, Knudsen M, Andersen KH (2013). Size-based predictions of food web patterns. Theoretical Ecology 

Popular articles in 2013

  1. Kiørboe T, Andersen A (2013). Sirupssvømmerne. Weekendavisen, Ideer, 19: 8-9

  2. Payne MR, Kiørboe T (2013). Immigranter sydfra på tallerkenen. Weekendavisen, Ideer, 20: 3

  3. Nielsen LT, Kiørboe T (2013). Plankton med helgardering. Weekendavisen, Ideer, 31: 4-5

  4. Kiørboe T, Heuschele J, Selander E (2013). Havets dufte. Aktuel Naturvidenskab 3: 30-33
    Article pdf

  5. Kiørboe T, Hylander S (2013). Plankton beskytter sig med solcreme. 18 november.

  6. Havets usynlige liv, Billed-artikel i ‘Ud og Se’, Juni 2013.


  1. Andersen MB, Bruno E, and Kiørboe T (2012) The Kinematics of Swimming and Relocation Jumps in Copepod Nauplii. PLosOne 7(10): e47486. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047486

  2. Bell J, Evans K, Hobday A, Allain V, Brander K, Dexter P, Harrison E, Hollowed A, Lee B, and Stefanski R (2012) Climate and oceanic fisheries: Recent observations and projections, and future needs. Climatic Change (ISSN: 0165-0009)

  3. Berge T, Poulsen LK, Moldrup M, Daugbjerg N, and Hansen PJ (2012) Marine microalgae attack and feed on metazoans. ISME Journal. 6: 1926-1936 
    (Selected as Editors Choice in Science and Featured article in ISME Journal)

  4. Berge T, Daugbjerg N, and Hansen PJ (2012) Isolation and cultivation of microalgae select for low production rate and tolerance to high pH. Harmful algae 20: 101-110

  5. Bergkvist J, Thor P, Jakobsen HH, Wängberg SA, and Selander E (2012) Grazer-induced chain length plasticity reduces grazing risk in a marine diatom. Limnology and Oceanography 57: 318-324

  6. Brander K (2012) Climate and current anthropogenic impacts on fisheries. Climatic Change. doi:10.1007/s10584-012-0541-2

  7. Brander K, and Havenhand J (2012) Impacts of climate change, including acidification, on marine ecosystems and fisheries. In: Climate impacts on the Baltic Sea: From science to policy (ISBN: 978-3-642-25727-8), pages: 129-160, 2012, Springer, Berlin

  8. Bruno E, Andersen MB, and Kiørboe T (2012). Prey detection and capture in copepod nauplii. PLosOne. 7: e47906. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047906

  9. Burrows MT, Brander KS et al. (2012)  Invasive species unchecked by climate - response. Science 335: 538-539

  10. Charnov EL, Gislason H, and Pope JG (2012)  Evolutionary assembly rules for fish life histories. Fish and Fisheries. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00467.x

  11. Corradi O, Hjorth P, and Starke J (2012) Equation-free detection and continuation of a Hopf bifurcation point in a particle model of pedestrian flow, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 11(3), 1007-1032.

  12. Forster J, and Hirst AG (2012) The temperature-size rule emerges from ontogenetic differences between growth and development rates. Functional Ecology 26: 483-492

  13. Forster J, Hirst AG, and Atkinson D (2012) Warming-induced reductions in body size are greater in aquatic than terrestrial species. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 109: 19310-19314
    (Featured on the front cover and as the lead article)

  14. Forster J, Hirst AG, and Esteban G (2012) Exploring the mechanism of the temperature-size rule in unicellular organisms. The ISME Journal: multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2012.76

  15. Hansen MO, Nielsen TG, Stedmon C, and Munk P (2012 ) Oceanographic regime shift during 1997 in Disko Bay, Western Greenland. Limnol. Oceanogr., 57(2), 2012, 634–644

  16. Hansen PJ, Moldrup M, Tarangkoon W, Garcia-Cuetos L, and Moestrup Ø (2012) Direct evidence for symbiont sequestration in the marine red tide ciliate Mesodinium rubrum. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 66: 63-75

  17. Henriksen MV, Madsen SJ, Nielsen TG, Møller EF, Henriksen KV, Markager SS, and Hansen BW (2012) Effect of temperature and food availability on feeding and egg production of Calanus hyperboreus in Disko Bay, Western Greenland. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 447: 109-126

  18. Heuschele J, and Kiørboe T (2012) The smell of virgins. Mating status of females affects male swimming behaviour in Oithona davisae. J. Plankton Res. 34: 929-935
    (Featured article and featured on the cover)

  19. Heuschele J, Salminen T, and Candolin U (2012) Habitat change influences mate search behaviour in three-spined sticklebacks. Animal Behaviour 83:1505–1510

  20. Hirst AG (2012) Intra-specific scaling of mass to length in pelagic animals: Ontogenetic shape change and its implications. Limnol. Oceanogr. 57: 1579-1590

  21. Jaspers C, Haraldson M, Bolte S, Reusch TBH, and Kiørboe T (2012) Ctenophore population recruits entirely through larval reproduction in the central Baltic Sea. Biol. Lett. 8: 809-812
    (Featured in Nature as a Research highlight)

  22. Jennings S, Andersen KH, and Blanchard J. Marine Ecology and Fisheries (2012) In: Metabolic ecology: a scaling approach. Editors: Richard M. Sibly, James H. Brown, Astrid Kodric-Brown. John Wiley and Sons

  23. Kjellerup S, Dünweber M, Swalethorp R, Nielsen TG, Møller EF, Markaager S, and Hansen BW (2012) The effect of a future warmer ocean on the co-existing copepods Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis. In the Disko bay western Greenland Mar Ecol Prog Ser 447: 87-108

  24. Kjellerup S, and Kiørboe T (2012) Prey detection in a cruising copepod. Biol. Lett. 8: 438-441
    (Featured in Science, Science NOW)

  25. Litchman E, Edwards KF, Klausmeier CA, and Thomas MK (2012) Phytoplankton niches, traits and eco-evolutionary responses to global environmental change. Theme section on "Biological responses in an anthropogenically modified ocean". Marine Ecology Progress Series 470: 235-248

  26. Maar M, Møller EF, Gürkan Z, Jónasdóttir SH, and Nielsen TG (2012) Sensitivity of Calanus spp. copepods to environmental changes in the North Sea using life-stage structured models. Progress in Oceanogr. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.004

  27. MacKenzie BR, and Mariani P (2012) Spawning of bluefin tuna in the Black Sea: historical evidence, environmental constraints and population plasticity.  PloS ONE 7(7): e39998. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039998

  28. Michel C, Bluhm B, Gallucci V, Gaston AJ, Gordillo FLJ, Gradinger R, Hopcroft RR, Jensen N, Mustonen T, Niemi A, and Nielsen TG (2012) Biodiversity of Arctic marine ecosystems and responses to climate change. Biodiversity, 13:3-4, 200-214

  29. Murphy EJ, and others including Hirst AG (2012) Spatial and temporal operation of the Scotia Sea ecosystem. Antarctica: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, Editors: Rogers, AD, Murphy, EJ, Johnston, NM, Clarke, A et al. John Wiley & Sons (London)

  30. Møller EF, Maar M, Jónasdóttir SH, Nielsen TG, and Tönnesson K (2012) The effect of changes in temperature and food on the development of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicus populations. Limnol Ocenogr 57(1) : 211–220

  31. Reckermann M, Brander K, MacKenzie B, and Omstedt A (eds) 2012. Climate impacts on the Baltic Sea: From science to policy. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-25728-5

  32. Richardson AJ, Brown CJ, Brander K, Bruno JF, Buckley L, Burrows MT, Duarte CM, Halpern BS, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Holding J, Kappel CV, Kiessling W, Moore PJ, O'Connor MI, Pandolfi JM, Parmesan C, Schoeman DS, Schwing F, Sydeman WJ, and Poloczanska ES (2012). Climate change and marine life. Biology Letters, 8: 907-909, 2012

  33. Sainmont J, Thygesen UH, and Visser A (2012) Diel vertical migration arising in a habitat selection game. Theoretical Ecology 1874-1738. doi: 10.1007/s12080-012-0174-0

  34. Selander E, Fagerberg T, Wohlrab S, and Pavia H (2012) Fight and flight in marine dinoflagellates? -kinetics of simultaneous grazer induced responses in Alexandrium tamarense. Limnology and Oceanography 57:58-64

  35. Teixeiraa IG, Crespoa BG. Nielsen TG, and Figueirasa FG (2012) Role of microzooplankton during a Phaeocystis sp. bloom in the Oosterschelde (SW Netherlands) J. Mar Res 97-106

  36. Visser AW, Mariani P, and Pigolotti S (2012) Adaptive behaviour, tri-trophic food-web stability and damping of chaos. J Roy Soc Interface. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2011.0686

  37. Zhang L, Thygesen UH, Knudsen K, and Andersen KH (2012) Trait diversity promotes stability of community dynamics. Theoretical Ecology. doi: 10.1007/s12080-012-0160-6  


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