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The Centre for Ocean Life has been extended for another 5 years to the end of 2022

Friday 25 Aug 17


Thomas Kiørboe
DTU Aqua
+45 35 88 34 01


Ken Haste Andersen
Professor, Head of Section
DTU Aqua
+45 24 89 64 23
Our application to the Villum Foundation for the extension of the Centre for Ocean Life has been granted. This is great news as it will allow us to continue the high level of activity for the next 5 years.

Together with recent grants from the Danish Council for Independent Research (see project description here) and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (see project description here) we will be able to fund 15+ PhD stipends and post doc fellows. We will soon start hiring new PhD students and post docs.

The Centre will continue to develop and apply the trait-based approach to describe and model life in the ocean. An additional and new focus area of the Centre is to use the insights and models developed during the first phase to examine how ecosystem functions can be derived from trait distributions. Examples of ecosystem functions under scrutiny are the magnitude and global distributions of carbon sequestration and fisheries.

You can see the 3 grant proposals here:

Centre for Ocean Life 2nd phase - description

Research Council project - description

Moore Foundation project - description 

13 DECEMBER 2024