New Article in Fish and Fisheries

Friday 12 Apr 13

Ken Haste Andersen and Jan E. Beyer. Size structure, not metabolic scaling rules, determines fisheries reference points. Fish and Fisheries

We develop a comprehensive framework for a size-based model of an exploited fish population. The framework is based on a metabolic assumption at the level of the individual. Despite this, we show that the population-level properties, like fisheries reference points, do not obey metabolic scaling rules. The framework is general and can be used to generalise the impact of fishing across species and for making demographic and evolutionary impact assessments of fishing, particularly in data-poor situations. The model has been implemented as a javascript applet

The paper can be found here


The fishing mortality giving the maximum yield (Fmsy) as a function of the maximum size of fish in a population (Woo) (black line). The black dots are Fmsy for selected fish stocks from official ICES assessments. The grey areas represent runs with random parameters of the model (see paper for details).
12 DECEMBER 2024