Group picture

8th Annual Meeting of the Centre for Ocean Life

Friday 13 Dec 19


Thomas Kiørboe
DTU Aqua
+45 35 88 34 01


Ken Haste Andersen
Professor, Head of Section
DTU Aqua
+45 24 89 64 23

The Centre's annual retreat took place on Møn 9-11 December to summarize the scientific success of 2019 and discuss future directions.

The purpose of the meeting was to share scientific results and ideas through presentations and discussions, and to build and nourish the scientific network. This year, we were joined by:

Sigrunn Eliassen (University of Bergen, Norway)

Malin Pinsky (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA)

Øyvind Fiksen (University of Bergen, Norway)

Cornelia Jaspers (DTU Aqua, Denmark)

Dorothee Hodapp (HIFMB Oldenburg, Germany)

Thanks to the great effort put in by all the attendees, the meeting was a great success and generated lots of new and exciting ideas for the future development of the Centre. Speacial thanks to Pension Elmehøj for hosting us. We also managed to squeeze in some time for a hike along beautiful Møns Klint.
12 DECEMBER 2024