Both Rémy Denechere and Louise Flensborg have recently started their PhD at DTU Aqua and the Centre for Ocean Life. Rémy is a former intern at the Centre who will be working with Ken H. Andersen on how depth and particle flux determines the structure and functions of global fish and benthos communities. Louise will be working with Martin Lindegren on resilience and vulnerability of marine fish communities to changes using a trait-based approach. Louise has a background in Arctic marine macroecology and a strong interest in species/community traits and function.
Our new post doc Seyed Saeed Asadzadeh will be working with Thomas Kiørboe on hydrodynamic trade-offs of feeding and foraging at micro-scale, using detailed computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Seyed recently finished his PhD degree at DTU Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Read more about current projects at the Centre here.