New article in L&O: Zooplankton body composition

Wednesday 25 Sep 13

T. Kiørboe. (2013). Zooplankton body composition. Limnol. Oceanogr., 58(5), 1843-1850

The chemical body composition is an important organismal trait. This paper examines the variation in zooplankton body composition, from protozoans to gelatinous plankton. Zooplankton segregate into gelatinous and non-gelatinous forms, with surprisingly few intermediate forms. It is argued that the dichotomy in body composition is related to differences in feeding mechanisms and predator avoidance strategies that favor either a watery or a condensed body form, and that in the intermediate taxa the moderately elevated water content is related to buoyancy control and ambush feeding. 

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13 DECEMBER 2024