Mary S. Wisz, Ph.D. Aarhus University: Cutting across disciplines to predict ecosystem change in space and time
18th March 2013 13:00 in Kaffeklubben at DTU Aqua, Kavalergaarden 6, 2920 Charlottenlund:
Mary S. Wisz, Aarhus University
Cutting across disciplines to predict ecosystem change in space and time
Predicting which species will occur together in the future, and where, remains one of the greatest challenges in ecology, and requires a sound understanding of how the abiotic and biotic environment interacts with dispersal processes and history across scales in space and time. To account for these complex interactions and processes, we use spatial modelling tools in concert with population genetics, phylogentics, trophic ecology, dispersal ecology, and simple trait-based approaches. To illustrate our approach, I present examples ranging from quantifying changes in vegetation communities to predicting species invasions in the North West Passage with climate change.