News from Centre for Ocean Life

14 JUL

Hairy flagellates have a clever way to overcome limitations of life at small scales

Flagellates live in a small-scale environment where viscosity impedes contact with their bacterial prey. Most flagellates use the active waving motion of a flexible flagellum...

22 JUN

Evolution of toxicity as a public good in phytoplankton

Many species of phytoplankton release toxins that combat competitors and predators. It has long puzzled researchers how such ‘public good’ toxicity has evolved, because...

05 MAY

Exploring the relation between the size spectrum of plankton communities and carbon...

In the oceans, a nearly constant biomass of organisms is found in equal log- intervals of body-size. This large-scale regularity is referred to as the size spectrum...

Mechanisms and fluid dynamics of foraging in heterotrophic nanoflagellates
29 APR

How do flagellates feed: Mystery solved

Despite living in a micro-scale world governed by viscosity, heterotrophic nanoflagellates are able to clear great volumes of water for prey by creating feeding flows...

22 APR

Flow through a bare sponge skeleton is not informative about how flow moves through...

The deep-sea glass sponge Euplectella aspergillum is well known due to its beautiful lattice-work structure, and has attracted interest in its solid and fluid mechanical...

13 APR

Costs and benefits of predator-induced defense in a toxic diatom

The bloom-forming diatom Pseudo-nitzschia produces a potent neurotoxin, domoic acid, that may cause closure of fisheries. The reason for its production has long been...

08 APR

Species Specific Responses to Grazer Cues and Acidification in Phytoplankton-...

Phytoplankton employ a wide variety of defense against grazers, and rely on chemical cues to assess the current grazing pressure. However, these signals are potentially...

08 APR

Predator field and colony morphology determine the defensive benefit of colony...

In a new paper, Ocean Life researchers use direct observations of predator-prey interactions to study the defensive benefit of colony formation in four species of phytoplankton...

01 APR

The seascape of fear and the biological carbon pump

Organisms adapt to predation risk by changing their behavior. A new study from the Centre for Ocean Life demonstrates how defensive behaviors of marine pelagic organisms...

Metabolic scaling with body size
08 MAR

Not all groups follow the -1/4 prediction of the Metabolic Theory of Ecology

The Metabolic Theory of Ecology states from scaling laws that population-level properties – maximum population growth rate—scales with a -1/4 exponent with size. However...
29 APRIL 2024